I am being a little boring in my blogging world – the rain is back with a vengeance, so not much of a chance to improve my garden.
Plus been running about with my friend checking out properties, which is awesome fun!
One place today that we went into was the most amazing mish-mash of styles and colours you have ever seen!! I think I time warped back to about 1974. I felt naked without my flares.
You know when something is so bad and over the top, it just tips over from tacky into fabulous? That’s where we were at today!
I just took some snaps on Rachel’s phone but haven’t got the ones of the lounge room (which was very special) via email yet..
I will drop back via my blog sometime tomorrow to try to be a little more interesting!
We spent a pretty fun day over in Devonport looking at investment properties with my friend Rachel.
Again – nothing new on the home front 🙂
Still, nice to drag a few vegetables out of both the garden and freezer to make up dinner & watch a movie or two in the evening – and generally catch up with a good friend!
Just thought I would mention that I am running a new photo challenge via facebook late November. The group has been created now with a new list of subjects to photograph – its a closed group, but anyone interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments below and I will send you out an email with a link. You would be most welcome!
Basic Outline
There is a list of ten subjects that group members go out and take photos of. As an easy example – the first subject is “Pink” Â People go and take a bunch of photographs with pink in them, choose their best/favourite shot and upload it into the “Pink Album” on day one.
It continues on for ten days, a new album & subject opening each day to contribute to. My contributions to the last challenge can be seen here
Once all participating members have filled an album, everyone gets to vote for their favourite images.
At the end, the person with the most points wins a prize (usually some home made jam/relish and something knitted)(All from Norwich House of course!)
While the competition aspect of it is fun, its mostly developed into a nice little community of people who enjoy photography – experienced and beginners -that come together for a couple of weeks, get creative, make friends and maybe even learn some extra photography skills, or impart some of their own knowledge.
Its very relaxed – there are some rules of course, but mostly just commonsense ones.
Hello! I am keeping busy with my friend arriving today, no new gardening news.
I had a question about Vegemite from Janet a few weeks back. (Popular spread for bread here in Australia) Her older son was daring her younger son to eat a whole jar for five dollars.
My immediate response was “Get your younger son to ask for a whole heap more cash”
Its not that I don’t like it – I love it, but very few of us Australians eat it with a spoon (shudder)
Its a yeast extract – salty/savoury NOT sweet or chocolatey. My Canadian husband seems to think it works well on his bicycle chains! 🙂
I am under the vague impression that you have to be brought up on it to like it. Â People do make the mistake of sticking their noses in the jar for a big sniff – don’t do that!! You’ll never be the same again.
People also try to spread it like peanut butter – again, not a good life choice!
First, cook your toast, nice hot buttery toast!
Get your knife and artistically scrape bits of vegemite over your hot buttery toast!
I will take a couple of months to get through a jar – as you can see, not much needs to go on the toast.
Now, think savoury, be brave and take a bite.
Actually Vegemite might have been banned in the US, not for taste reasons, but due to the high yeast content!! Puzzling. And disappointing.
One of the greatest joys in an Australians life is watching foreigners taste Vegemite for the first time. 😀 Its the little things in life….
Any non-Australians out there taken the Vegemite taste test? Did it go well? Did it end badly? I would love to know!!
Hello – It’s 10.30pm and I just had dinner! The night kinda got away from me. So instead of garden updates or Friday’s Footprints, I am going to share my calendar project with you.
January – Sisters Beach
I made a calendar last year, mostly as Christmas presents, but I also was asked to put them in a local shop & I also sold a few at our beachside market.
February – Good Food from Good Tasmanian Soil
It went pretty well, so I thought I would do another one this year. Naturally I am totally not organised, hence being so late with things tonight – the company I used finally had a sale on making calendars that ends Sunday, and I am busy all day tomorrow. So it needs to be sorted now!
March – Fossil Bluff
It took me an eon of agonising tonight to put 12 images together!!
April – Fungi from Waratah & Dip Falls
Its kind of meant to be local but I have stretched the borders of ‘local’ a little in a couple of cases
May – Hiker in Rocky Cape National ParkJune – High Tide at Fossil Bluff
I think throughout the upcoming year I will have to try to get specific photos for a calendar – actually think “Calendar” at the time of taking the photo.
July – Sunset over FlowerdaleAugust – Driftwood on Black River Beach
Where as I have a lot of photos that I like – its trying to think what a stranger/tourist/person buying a present would like hanging on their wall all year.
September – After the Rain at Anniversary Bay
And annoyingly I have just remembered right now while typing this that I will need another image that will be put on the front of the calendar!!!! (Rolls eyes)
October – Tulip Time at WynyardNovember – The Tangled Mossy Forests at Cradle Mt NP
I tarted up a photo in ‘Fusion’ to get my last rainbow shot a bit more dramatic than it was before… 🙂
December – Rainbow over Anniversary Bay Beach
So thats the main lot…
OK – Just went through my very long ‘shortlist’ and here are some possibilities for the front cover – feel totally free to write and tell me your opinion!!!
Cheers and I will catch you up on garden stuff tomorrow!
It was local – in my backyard 🙂Sisters BeachMy new manfern frondAgain – Local!! (Our backyard)Sisters Beach
Being of a limited income, a few years ago I settled on one charity to play with. Since I love making parcels, the shoe-box one (via Operation Christmas Child) seemed pretty tailor made for me.
Actually this year is the first in a while I haven’t done a bundle of my own – not sure what I have been doing with my time, but for me its the kind of thing you need to be vaguely working on all year – picking up suitable items at throw-out prices. Too stressful and expensive to do it in a rush… so I have sensibly ‘let it go’ this year.
Decorated boxes
For those of you not familiar, a shoe box is packed for a boy or girl of one of three age groups – 2-4 years, 5-9 years and 10-14 years old. Â Each box is to contain something to love, something for school, something for personal hygiene, something to play with and something to wear… along with other special bits and pieces. They are then shipped out to children in poor/remote areas who possibly have never had something new in their lives.
Australia & New Zealand tend to send them out to places like Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Thailand, Vietnam…
While I am not part of any of the local churches (schools and other community groups do them as well as individuals) I like to go and help pack them up. A couple of weeks ago I went to Ruby’s church where they had about 120 boxes decorated and ready to pack with items they had collected all year.
Box fillers set out ready
Yesterday, Shirley from the Baptist church (and local OCC Co-ordinater) called me asking if I could lend another pair of hands!
Sure – since we are still getting drowned out there I couldn’t see me playing in the garden! 🙂
Toothbrushes and toys!
Afterwards I ducked into Ruby’s for a cuppa and a confession – I bought her a raised garden bed for her strawberries!! I think I may have gotten away with that, but let me save the story for Ruby Tuesday!
As I mentioned… the weather is not letting up at all. The river flooded again and the ocean is a dirty muddy colour due to the runoff into the river flooding the mouth.
A lot more debris washed ashore again!Brief moments of sun and blue sky
Maybe tomorrow we can catch a break in the weather??
We were off to the airport this morning as Emma’s week with us was at an end. She does assure us she will be back soon!! 🙂
Was fun having her stay – love having a ‘Garden Slave’ (she took that very well) 🙂
Not much else noteworthy happened at Norwich House today… I did get another raised garden bed from the market – if it stops bucketing down out there I’ll take a photo tomorrow!!
I did catch up on a little much needed housework! I suppose it has to be done sometime!
Amazingly its been just us for the whole day and no-one else has booked in to stay! Haha – people have probably seen our weed problems and have no intentions of coming to get roped into that! 🙂
Hope your weekend was fabulous!
Odd pickings!! The broccoli was on our plates tonight and was very nice! Girls laying well despite the dodgy weather, and a whole lot of little tiny chillies to do something with!
So – last Thursday we sadly said goodbye to Michelle & Co. wandered home and sat in our largely empty house, and after about 30 minutes we decided it was way too quiet!! lol
But my other sister, Rosemary fixed that problem. Pretty much just after we had noted how quiet things were, I got a message from her asking if we could take Emma for a week, starting Sunday!!!
Nothing like a 16 year old to liven up the place and stop us from getting too old and boring! 😀
So I drove off to Devonport this morning to collect our niece (I am thinking ‘Garden Slave’) and brought her home, where we gained extra Aunty & Uncle points by taking her to the beach and then coming back to a late bacon & eggs on toast lunch.
Believe it or not we got rained on a few times!
The other day we noticed quite a lot of agate on the beach – more than we would normally find so we decided to skip the gardening and fossick for a while
Teaching Emma the finer points of finding agate!
We got some lovely rocks today – here are a few dodgy photos I took in a hurry as it was getting pretty chilly by the time I got around to that!
I dipped them in water to get a bit of the effect I hope to get when I put them through the tumbler…
I have high hopes for this one!
Thats just a few of the many we found today – I think they have potential to come up really nicely once polished!!
So – despite the forecast being rain ALL WEEK, I have plans to get back into the garden tomorrow – and with an extra set of hands, well… the sky is the limit! 🙂
Well… a couple of weeks ago, we started out at Fossil Bluff with family in the rain, gloom and wind – and we finished back down at Fossil Bluff today, wearing t-shirts and soaking up the sun!!
First we took Michelle & Co down to Doctors Rocks to go gold panning!
(Thanx to Michelle for the photos)
It was fun to teach the kids and we even found a few flakes, so the day started off pretty well.
Anticipation!Checking out my speck of gold!!
After lunch, Tony & Michelle set about packing the car – I think we created a Rock-Monster in Tony as he seemed to have half of Tasmania’s rocks stashed in their car. (They have ordered a rock tumbler, so will be indulging in a new hobby!!) 😀
Of course, last stop is to see Ruby & Margie, and present Ruby with the wonderful guest book that they made for her party
Michelle reads out their dedication on the back
I still need to take a photo of the book properly, but it was a combined effort to hand make the book, and it is filled with many names and messages for Ruby.
Needless to say, she was thrilled!
Sadly, time was ticking away, and we had to bid my family farewell (ok, a few little tears) but it was a wonderful couple of weeks being able to show them as much of our bit of lives as we could and spending time together.
I must say it seems rather quiet at Norwich House tonight!!!
Fossil Bluff – Magnificent on our last visit today!
Well… I am dead on my feet today, so speed blogging with a couple of snaps from our Tuesday Adventure. ‘Ruby Tuesday’ will have to return next week when I am in some semblance of order!
Today was about 5 hours driving and 5 hours hiking – I am totally ready to face-plant my bed!
But we had the best day!
The mossy forests at Cradle Mt
Only a couple of days left with my baby sister and her family, so we drove over to Cradle Mt National Park to see the sights, do some walks and indulge in a gourmet picnic (ok – it was ham and cheese sandwiches, but I upgraded it to gourmet because of the home made relish and the banana/raspberry loaf)
The weather was forecast as cold and raining – but we got cool and not raining… so yay us! 🙂
There were wombats out everywhere – ambling along munching on the vegetation
This one walked straight at me, sniffed my foot and just kept going (I hadn’t walked far by that point so sniffing my foot then didn’t make it keel over and gag or anything)
I love wombats
We also saw a wallaby just having a little lay down by the car park.
We did two short walks before having our picnic lunch, then did the three hour walk around Dove Lake. I love the way the boardwalks weave in and out of an ever changing environment – a mystery around every corner!
Anyway – bedtime for me! Tomorrow we have two beaches, a lighthouse, a tulip farm and a mission to find Valhalla Ice Cream!
Didn’t pick up my Blood & Bone today, so the garden was pretty much left alone – except for a bit of foraging.
The leek and potato (and bacon) soup turned out fine – just had some chicken stock, a can of evaporated milk and some parsley – and fresh baked bread as a side! Hit the spot tonight.
I also have tomorrow nights dinner on the stove, cooking ‘part one’ of a vegetarian lasagne.
Actually feeling a bit chuffed that the majority of the ingredients that are now simmering away on the stovetop are from my garden.
I had zucchini frozen, and some corn, carrots were fresh, as was the celery and chilli. I had to buy a capsicum & onion … I wanted a couple of eggplants as well, but none in the supermarket, so did extra carrot and zucchini.
I did have to revert to tinned tomatoes but the herbs are very fresh!
I find if I make the vegetable sauce mix the day before, the flavour is much better. I will put the whole thing together tomorrow afternoon, as my sister and her family are due back tomorrow evening – in time for dinner!
In between cooking, I attended to the housework. The many beach visits, rock & shell collecting, a constant fire & Jeff whittling wood had the floor looking a bit manky! A spruce up was in order.
Yesterday afternoon was really quite lovely. As well as doing garden stuff, we slipped back down the Calder road to go back to the little forest for a walk about
Everything was still damp and gloomy among the pine trees
A horror film in waiting
Looking up it wasn’t bad…
Looking down was cool too…
Hopefully tomorrow the weather will be kind enough to let me get my potatoes in!
A different scene compared to the last soggy day we were here!