Rain Continues

Making puddles


For the first time since winter last year, the tanks are overflowing! The rain gauge has refilled and it doesn’t look like stopping anytime soon.

My next post may be about how to build an ark… altho my ark only needs to fit two people, one cat, 12 chickens and 2,000 books. (Maybe a guest room so I can pick up the neighbours on the way past – hey Cindy?? 😀 )

No really – despite the gloom I am delighted we are finally getting some good ground soaking rain.

It is also Lisa-soaking

It didn’t take long for my trakkie daks to get pretty soppy.

I was wearing a full length raincoat too! I had to get up the ladder and muck out the water tank sieve that had filled with leaves, sticks & possums.

(ok – I was kidding about the possums)

Seems like the only chooks that have any sense are the three younger new chickens. They stayed firmly in the coop all day, and were nice and fluffy dry. The rest were a pathetic bedraggled lot

Soggy chickens ready for bed

The rain has been blowing in too… so pretty much everything on the back veranda is saturated. Only the wood tucked in the very back corner seems reasonably dry (lucky)

We may have to put the outdoor plastic blinds back up this year… I don’t fancy rain coming in the back door

Pip’s attitude to the deafening rain today was simple. Enter sleeping bag & Do Not Leave.

Airing his feet

Apart from housework (blah) I did get around to sorting and packaging up a lot of the seeds I have been collecting.

I saved three cobs of corn, but I have no idea if they were hybrids or not (threw away original seed packet) plus I have never collected corn seeds before. Will be interesting to see if they sprout

I am pretty sure there are enough seeds there for next season!

I have not the patience or time to separate the teeny tiny basil seeds, so just took the pods off the stalks and bagged them up. The smell was divine!

Basil seeds


I am not sure why I have a semi dried chilli…

A mountain of rainbow chard

The chickens are going to love me more next season when I grow this

The cos lettuce seed still needs a bit of drying out


I kept a sunflower – high hopes for a big pretty plot somewhere next season


Remember the tomato laterals I started? Looks like we have two successes and one fatality.

I still retain hopes for the remaining two.

Mind you… the self seeded tomatoes that popped up at Ruby’s that she gave me weeks and weeks ago are going along really nicely – despite the fact I haven’t bothered taking them out of their ice cream container yet!

Can I call that hydroponics??

These seem sturdy and fairly happy

I was out of potatoes, so I nicked over to the garage and grabbed a new box! We had such a good potato harvest this season. I’ll have to knock off a few sprouts, but they all look really good. (I think there are 4 more boxes to go!!)

Secret potato stash

For about 10 minutes, just before the sun went down, we got a little colour in the sky.



PS Occasional extras via my Facebook Page

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Gloomy Sunday

RIP Crook Chook

The day started sadly with a death in the family. Poor little Crook Chook went to chicken heaven last night. We palliated her the best we could – She got lots of cuddles yesterday and a cat box inside where it was warm.

Even though we love our chickens, taking a chook down to get a $70 vet bill, where it is unlikely to make a difference anyway, is just not a sensible option. Sometimes we nurse them back to health, and other times we fail.

I didn’t dig her plot today, so she is lying in state (in cat box) waiting for her burial tomorrow (Plus I had to check with Jeff to make sure that I wouldn’t be digging up previous chickens to bury this one!)

(and yes I cried!)

I was pretty boring today (not bored – just not doing anything really interesting!)

It really was a day that was full of gloom. It never really got properly daylight in my opinion.

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Dark skies all day

Finally I figured I should toss myself outside and go for that walk. I took the camera in the hope something might cross my path that was interesting.

I like getting this far up the river when we kayak Its so peaceful

The river was at a higher tide level this time, which is a lot more aesthetically pleasing.

Curious Cows

I came across this bunch of funny cows, whose paddock flanks one side of the path as I start out. They ran away as I got closer, then in true stickybeak-cow style, they started sneaking up on me! I spent a hilarious 10 minutes making them chase me up the paddock – stopping suddenly to turn and look at them so they would stop in their tracks, only to start following me again! (I was hard up for entertainment today) 🙂

Random toadstool by the path

Following is the sample of some of the trees that came down in the storm the other day and a sound reason to not go walking when its windy! Wouldn’t be much fun getting clobbered by one of these




I heard several pademelons crashing through the bush – but only got one dodgy photo for you


I didn’t get so much as rained on as constantly sprinkled on today.

You can see where the high tide mark is quite easily

Often when walking this course, you see random items of clothing propped up in trees & on stumps. Kind citizens finding these objects display them better in the hopes the owners spot them and claim them.

Today before finding the little beanie, I also saw a child’s sock. Seems like some kid was slowly shedding clothes on the way around!

Quite a nice little beanie too! I bet there is an annoyed mother out there!

I came home and went to give the girls another feed and was missing three… found that the three youngsters put themselves to bed early! I know a few mothers that would wish their kids would do this!! 🙂

Ready for bed

At least they have gotten the hang of the new coop and roost, so we don’t have to go relocating chickens in the dark anymore. They learn quickly!

And lastly – getting the refresher on my limited crochet skills from Margie has been great – I am zooming around my rug and can now cover both legs!!

Best place in the evening, in front of a movie, fire and making something!

I hope what is left of your weekends is great


Escape to the Beach

Didn’t even bother taking my shoes out of the car. Enjoyed a paddle.

It was an undecided day, weather wise. We got a little rain overnight, and the day started a bit gloomy. By the time early afternoon arrived the day could have gone either way, so Mana and I decided to risk a potential downpour and go for a walk up Sisters Beach.

Darn good choice.

Start of a relaxing walk

We met about 6 people and three dogs.

Need some space?

Other than that, we pretty much had the beach to ourselves!!

This is one of my favourite walking beaches

As you walk up the beach, you find interesting rock formations/colours and today a bit more seaweed. (Mana must have been relieved I didn’t have collecting bags with me!)

Unusual colours in the rock

Mana soaking up the sun & surf


I like where the scrubby grass meets the sand. All this area is Rocky Cape National Park


We came across this great little display of beach treasures. Someone has had a wonderful time putting this together.

I love finding random beach art


Always fun for me to click away with the camera

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Wave movement over the rocks
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Love the colours and textures

A closer look at seaweed

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Waves bringing in seaweed

I am wondering if I got a bit sunburnt today – while it wasn’t hot, walking into the sun was a bit intense!

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Beautiful afternoon sun

We did little else today – sure was a wonderful way to relax and recharge our energy levels!

I hope your day was super too!


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Stunning day out there


A Bit of Barter

Exchanged my shovel for a paintbrush

First – Sorry I have to postpone “Ruby Tuesday” I had planned to go over there today and fine tune a story etc but a friend, Jeff rang and asked if I could help paint his house – in exchange for a load of firewood!!  Yeah! Count me in!

For someone that enjoys looking for ways to reduce spending & be economical, swapping some manual labour for firewood is a no-brainer to me!

Our friends bought a little investment house – a fixer-upperer in a great area – and are getting things sorted out for the keen tenants that are waiting to move in.

(Note *Friends* Actually family, but down here in Tasmania that could get complicated. Jeff’s Nan is my mothers second cousin. If you want to work out the nitty gritty cousin titles feel free, but it hurts my brain. 🙂 I label everyone ‘cousin’ or ‘friend’ and move on! 😀 )

Mana learns to paint

Mana hasn’t done house painting before, so I dragged the poor girl out of the garden and gave her a paintbrush! (nothing like offering our international guests some variety hey?)

We started easy on the doors and then moved onto skirting boards and doorframes


Had to paint a few areas that already had the new carpet down!! Scared much???

Skirtings safely painted, didn’t kick over a tin onto the new carpet! yay me.

Thankfully no mishaps and we pretty much got done what Jeff needed to have finished today.

So one day of painting will give us a good number of warm nights by the fire for free! Yay!

Firewood = a lot of work for me, but warm winter nights!

Not to mention a couple of days of getting very warm stacking the wood up!

I am totally off to bed – Just a couple of photos of the clouds this afternoon to leave you with… they looked a bit splendid this afternoon!

Cheers all

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Its like the sky got wrinkles

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Filling up the Trailer

Spoiled by continual beautiful days

All these beautiful days! My kind of autumn!

I vaguely hinted at going on a bit of a hike today but we ended up getting stuck into tidying up the front/side of the house. Its an area that hasn’t been touched in forever!

Who wants to go hiking at the beach when you can spend all day cleaning this up huh??

Because its not seen and it grows no vegetables, it gets neglected.

Gutters needed immediate attention

The gum trees that tower over us on that side, shed a lot of bark and leaves – a constant issue, so its kinda easier to ignore than worry about it!

Jeff on gutter duty

Whatever we do here, it will be a continual cleaning up effort – so apart from cleaning up the mess and pruning back shrubs, I am not really sure how to use the area.

Why not a view from the other end?

We have a pretty amazing bush out front called “Lions Ear” I cut it back to the nub each year and it springs back bigger and better each time. It also self seeds rather happily, so we ended up with a front entrance issue

These thrive on neglect!

The flowers on this are rather unique – well I hadn’t come across anything like it before –

Amazing orange flowers

Closer look?

Cool huh?

Anyway, so I went the hack

I rather enjoy pruning stuff

But then I had to get the roots out of the ones we weren’t keeping.

They weren’t going to come quietly!

I think I broke off a lot of the tap roots somewhere..

Note to self. Dig up plants early, not three years later.

I will keep these for a month or two until they are dry, then run them through the mulcher for the compost. (or kindling or garden markers)

Quite a bundle!

I managed to clear a decent space!

I know – it doesn’t look pretty yet. But at least we have some access!

Time to bring the trailer closer!

The cage is so handy!

Meanwhile around the side, Jeff has gone from this –



To this –


And Mana wielding a spade –

Go Mana!

has cleared this bit –


We found a tap!! And what’s more – it works!! Seriously! Been here for four years and had cursed the effort of getting water to this side, and all this time we had a tap!!

Unearthing treasures!

Still a bit of colour left in the hydrangeas!


A vast improvement so far!


Reckon the trailer is about full!

And still not finished!

We gave up about now and came in for a late afternoon tea

Still able to enjoy fresh tomatoes whenever we please!

Which entailed testing out all the relishes

Difficult to choose which one

And hot chocolate!!

I hope the start of your week has been excellent!




Blue Sky Sunday

Perfect gardening day

I am feeling pretty creaky tonight! We have done a lot of digging today!

Absolutely superb sunny warm day so Jeff, Mana and myself spent quite a few hours today in the vegetable garden for a much needed makeover.

This is pretty much what the patch looked like before – lots of straggling end of season plants and a host of weeds

End of season jumble in the garden

So on with the gardening clothes and hats

Awesome having two sidekicks today!

The chooks were hanging out close by waiting for worms and other treats

Who can see the flying chicken? (Ok chickens don’t fly as much as the plummet – one was plummeting off the wheelbarrow)

This strip was where my potatoes were this last season. I am going to prepare this area for garlic. Since it will go in in June, I’ll leave the dahlias in there to enjoy them a little longer.

I also plan to run a small strip along the garage wall and fill with marigolds the whole way!

Seeing some progress!


Still pulling up lovely fat carrots

These came up more easily than “Monster Carrot”

I have a few self seeded leeks – this one was put in the soup tonight!

RIP. You tasted fine.

I love marigolds scattered about the garden. So cheerful (and useful)

I really didn’t think they would bloom this late in the season. Bonus!

Check out that yummy red soil!

Looking pretty darn good!

My next step is to sow a few of the areas with wheat, let it grow up a bit (hope its still warm enough for it to germinate) then dig it back in as green manure and cover with seaweed – which slows the weeds down a bit.

View from other side.

Can’t help having a little bit of a barefoot wallow in the dirt.


No matter how carefully I dig the potatoes – there are always a lot missed! The purple ones that look like cat-poo are pretty cool. They have a fabulous purple colour right through – but taste very normal potatoish. I am actually trying to get rid of them all. They are just a bit time consuming to clean because of their shape and size. I prefer working with the nice big Dutch Cream potatoes. mmmmm.

Some of these went in the soup with the leek!

Not a bad lot of produce for the day!

A good haul

Excuse me while I faceplant my bed


Pretty leek

PS for some odds and sods via Facebook, click here


Origami, Wrapping & Sunsets

Be healthy. Start your day with a nutritious bowl of raspberry ice-cream.

As promised – we had raspberry ice-cream for breakfast. (and Emma followed it up with pizza – well, its not a proper holiday until you have had pizza and ice-cream for breakfast is it?)

And I can happily report that the ice-cream tasted amazing!

Today we got a LOT of rain. And its about time too! The recent grey days have hardly yielded a drop, so the garden must have enjoyed itself!

With the help of my lovely niece Emma and her fancy phone, we created a video to show those who were interested in learning how to fold those origami seed packets, seen in an earlier post.

I love origami paper.

However… seems there are limits to what I can upload here and my video was about 200 gig oversized! Oopsie.


So… I opened a facebook page for “Head in the Clouds – Feet in the Dirt” as the easiest way to share it that I could think of right now (not being the most tech-savvy person I am at the bottom end of the learning curve with this blogging 🙂 )

You can take a peek here . (I’ll figure out what else to do on the facebook page as I go along!) 😀

So…(again) as a preliminary instruction, grab your square piece of paper, turn to the blank side and mark out each third of the paper – for most standard origami papers that means every 5cm

Mark your paper like this (on all 4 sides)

You don’t need to draw each fold like I did in the video. That was just so you could see more clearly where the folds were to go.

Then watch video.

Cute and useful

I apologise to those who don’t use facebook. When I have more time and get more savvy, I will work out a different plan of attack!

And if all else fails – stop-motion-photography! (What else am I going to do with those upcoming long winter days huh?)

I also had to finish off and wrap a few presents that we are sending back with Emma for various birthdays that have come and gone. Yes – on one hand its the cheapskates way of moving things about… but on the other hand I know they will get there. I have had a couple of postal hiccoughs recently – one parcel is currently lost between here and Canada – so at least I know this little lot will have a good chance of making it.


A friend of mine makes these amazingly cute little bags and sells them at the market for a crazy $5 each! Makes the perfect ‘wrapping’

perfect reusable wrapping

I actually suck at wrapping. I am not neat and my only saving grace in the above photo is how pretty the origami paper is that I used!

The Japanese have got wrapping down to a fine art. In fact, there are lots of people in Japan, whose sole job is wrapping presents at department shops! Their presentation is superb, and even when you buy a box of bakery biscuits or cake its wrapped with tender loving care with all the trimmings – here in Oz, you’re lucky if someone shoves it in a bag for you!

We hosted a 16 year old young man for a month – this was some of the beautiful parcels his mother sent us!

And this is how you wrap sweets –

Beautiful paper and twiddly bits
Remove paper to reveal gorgeous box
and each sugary treat is individually wrapped in a twist of fine paper

Beats plastic hands down any day!

Well, that’s all from me today! I will leave you with a few sunset photos I took a couple of hours ago – again after the rain, the sky and clouds were beautiful. (So far the across the road farmer hasn’t noticed me using his fencepost as position of choice for my photography!)










Sunny Autumn Days

Sunny skies, butterfly clouds

Autumn has been kicking up some pearlers of days! Its been great doing a little scruffing about in the garden (mind you a concentrated effort is needed)

The salvia has exploded. Its hard to believe I cut this back to the nub every season. I think it comes back a little bigger and better each year. Its alive with bee’s and butterflies.

I thought I killed it. Cut it back then got heavy frosts. Looked really woebegone for ages!

I was pleased to sell all my cucumber at the markets on the weekend but several more are nearly ready for picking again!

I haven’t had a cucumber plant this productive before
Jeff’s old bike rim

Chickens are enjoying their scraps and outings into the main yard – still laying well!

Happy Chooks

Pip totally thinks he is going to go prancing about on top of the chook coop. (I took him down much to his disgust – I didn’t really have time to go mucking about with ladders to do a Siamese Rescue.)

The only way is up!!

Its not all work – yesterday evening us girls went down to Fossil Bluff to watch the sun go down, paddle and generally enjoy ourselves

Making memories
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Today was another super beautiful day, so we took the kayaks down to the river for a paddle

Mana & Emma heading up the Inglis River

It was Mana’s first time trying this. She did really well. (Happily she didn’t fall in, even though it was sunny, the water was a tad on the fresh side!)

New experiences
Emma happy to get out onto the water

I got to trot along the path that goes by the river to keep an eye on them and take some photos

They had the river almost to themselves today!

Then it was back to the kitchen to make up a promised batch of raspberry ice-cream!

Raspberry juice going in!

Emma cooked and sieved the raspberries while Mana and I made up the base vanilla recipe. Once cooled, we mixed them together and chucked it all in the ice cream maker

Looking forward to a bowlful!

The taste tests were extremely positive – but it still needs to freeze properly overnight.

Apparently we are having ice-cream for breakfast. 😀

The last plan of the day was somewhat thwarted. As a treat, we were making home made chicken pizza’s plus we were going to introduce Mana to “The Princess Bride”

Imagine how happy I was to finally get the first two pizzas into the oven and exactly 5 minutes later – total power failure!!!

At 6.30pm weekday evening… you could hear the mothers in the district crying I am sure!! Half way through everyone’s dinner time!! It didn’t come back on for two hours!

We decided to try to cook one in the BBQ.

Oh. My. Sainted. Aunt.

Walking back into the shed, seeing smoke pour out of the doors – it looked like we had set the whole place on fire!!!

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We are holding the funeral tomorrow

I went from “Not Happy” to “Less Than Happy”

I made an emergency run into Wynyard to get hot chips and bread – reeking of smoke – and put the other two pizza’s on the fire top – they crisped up, but at least they stopped short of cremation.

The best I could do

Dinner by candlelight & torchlight, entertainment by Emma’s string of really bad jokes! Mana thinks we are all mad.  🙂

Cheers everyone


Lazy Day with Photos & Drawing Games

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Night shot, Cherry Blossom


It was a really lazy, low key day today.

I think everyone (me) was getting over the shock of the 6am start yesterday. I can’t tell you when everyone actually got up or moved out of their pjs into proper clothes… way too embarrassing 🙂

Jeff is on a nightshift, but before he went back to bed today he put the fire on for us and we totally enjoyed the cosiness, since the day was dark, gloomy and cool.

I enjoyed mucking about with photos, trying some different post processing on images, while Emma and Mana abandoned their modern technology to play a drawing game! (Wow huh?)

Pencils & the Samitomato Drawing Game (Original version – it has now been updated)

My very clever and artistic friend, Samantha, developed this great little drawing game. Rather than encouraging competition, it encourages imagination and creativity.

Four rolls of the dice will give the budding artist a set of directions to go ahead and draw. Among the thousands of possibilities, you may end up drawing “A fat grey mouse, making pancakes” a “Determined sky-blue sheep flying a spaceship” or a “Hairy violet spider wearing cowboy boots”

It totally solves that “Mummy – what should I draw nowww?” question!

Emma’s Sleepy, lemon-yellow elephant, drinking coffee
Mana’s prime drawing spot in front of the fire!

You can buy the drawing game via Samantha’s Etsy Shop or check out Sam’s instagram  – Samitomato  (I am sure I will get instagram soon – when I figure out how to drive it via PC)

One of Mana’s creations
Emma’s tragic owl…

Since I can’t even draw convincing stick figures, I stuck to the computer and played about a little with some past photos:

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Liffey Falls
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Sisters Beach
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Rocks at Sisters Beach
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More rocks at Sisters Beach
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Don’t know what flower this was. It randomly grew around the side of the house.
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Rock pool at Rocky Cape NP

Time to hit the hay.








Market Day Again

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Oh I could have rolled over and gone straight back to sleep when the alarm went off.  I had to seriously guilt myself into crawling out from under the warm doona and get my butt in the car!

The car was pretty much packed the night before and Jeff came with me to get a spot and unload it before returning home to collect the girls.

I got a bit of a weird spot – I got moved from the one I thought I was getting. I really need to remember to call the council and book a spot if I intend on going. (It also means I don’t need to be there quite so early)

Clearly I didn’t get to really working out a decent display as this site was a much different space to the normal ones I occupy!

Weather wise it actually turned out great again! Warm, mostly sunny and most importantly – no wind!

It got to about 18C (64F) today – but its cooled right off tonight. Right now its 6C (42F). We totally have the fire going tonight.

People were in a good mood today and the atmosphere was really friendly. Lots of people stopped to chat & so many people brought their dogs along for a walk – this thrilled the girls no end as they had to meet and pat each one (if their owners said it was ok of course)

Someone had bunnies for sale! They were really cute. Of course Emma totally wanted one. I figured it wasn’t the kind of souvenir that I should send her home with. (My sister would have had a lot to say I am sure! haha)

Two happy girls! ( Credit – Mana’s camera – random photographer!)
This one is always sought after!

I did end up selling quite a good lot of stuff today. The tomato relish sold less than usual, but I sold out of the beetroot chutney and the sweet chilli sauce. Emma totally charmed a customer into buying the last sweet chilli sauce bottle in a performance that was actually stage-worthy! 😀

The signs were done by another Japanese friend of mine, Sanae, who is an amazing artist.

The raspberry jam was a really steady seller today! Glad I made a couple of new batches!

I sold a few packs of seeds…


We managed to clear a tray of seedlings… hmmmm… now to keep them alive and unchewed until the next market!

Margie drops in for a chat while Jeff taste tests a delicious plate of crepes made by our friends

I also brought along my new Swear Jar. Sadly I gained no coin for it this time, but I am going to work on that. To be honest I think I may owe it a few dollars already.  I got my ‘Swear Jar Sticker Pack’ in the mail last week and Emma tarted up a nice big jar (optimism) to make it look pretty.

Its all part of the Love Your Sister fund raising campaigns for breast cancer research. One of Australia’s fabulous actors, Samuel Johnson, rode his unicycle around Australia to raise funds, awareness and set a new world record for the most kms ridden as his lovely sister, Connie, tragically has terminal breast cancer.  He managed to travel 15,955 kilometres over 364 days and raised over 1.5 million dollars!!!

Fund raising for cancer research

Their new target is 10 million dollars and Sam has quit acting until the goal has been reached. I think he possibly almost gave Connie a heart attack with that announcement!  🙂

I feel a little proud as after a facebook post by Sam that had a few rude words (ok – it was more than a few! lol) and then Connie posting to do the correct sisterly thing and tell him off for his language, I made a comment saying that swear jars should be his new branch of fund raising! This made them laugh a lot – but the next thing I knew – They were off and running with it!

Every bit helps when it comes to cancer research – not many of us are unaffected by it these days.

Although now I have my swear jar in the house I may have to give up playing Soda Crush as I don’t think I can afford that kind of moolah! 😀 😀

What’s left of my Cozy Cuff Collection

I sold another pair of ‘cozy cuffs’ but my stock is rather low as I have been busy over summer with other things. Now that its getting cooler I need to get click-clacking!!

I use these a lot – fabulous to have parts of your hands warm but still have your fingers free – and much easier to knit than ‘fingerless’

These special crocheted cuffs are made by my friend, Nozomi’s mother. They are absolutely gorgeous and waaaaaay beyond my skill level.  Every now and again I sell a pair for her.

Gorgeous pure wool cuffs

Sadly no-one bought a photo-card today! 🙁 Never mind! I got a lot of really lovely compliments so my ego was boosted, if not my wallet. 😀

Overall it was worth getting out of bed, as I came home $189.50 richer! So I am pretty pleased with that. Not to mention we all had a great day out.

Of course, no market is complete without dropping in on Ruby for a late lunch/afternoon tea!

Ruby filled us full!

Well – its time for me to be off and make a start on tomorrow mornings sleep in!!

I hope all your weekends have been fabulous!


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Sunrise over Table Cape, Wynyard