
Hello there! How are you all doing in this upside down world these day?
I hope you are all keeping safe and happy.

Its well past midnight and I have just finished making another 19 jars of jam. (the above was from the other day)
We’ve still been getting oodles of plums, although I have managed to give away a couple of buckets worth so that takes the pressure off

I cut/tore the fruit leather into strips and dusted with icing sugar… just to ward of the stickiness.

Raspberries are still steadily coming along. Jeff did a lot of weeding in there today!

We are able to grab something fresh from the garden daily… which is fun.
I love having lots of lettuce to pick as needed.
I think soon we’ll get our first cucumber.
We have had a couple of small tomatoes… they didn’t get photographed but they certainly got eaten! Taste amazing!

A lady came around to collect a bunch of tomato seedlings I couldn’t use… she’s a bit newer to gardening and was talking about her daughters potato patch.
She didn’t know you could bandicoot potatoes, so I showed her what I do.
Nice to know you can start eating your spuds earlier than the official harvest day (And yes,… she got heaps of plums too!!)

These potatoes are already eaten!!

Here is the wasabi soap from the other day, cut.

I also made soap today… the ever popular cedar and saffron, which I had totally run out of again!! (Must make a point of really stocking up on that!)
It was my reward for doing a few hours of housework.

Anyway… its pretty late now, so better get to bed!
I’ll leave you with a photo of Baby Pip, when he was all ears and feet!
12 years ago!!! Hard to believe!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

4 thoughts on “Cooking”

  1. aww Pip when he was a gangly young’in! 0.0!!

    I just ordered seeds for the next growing season over my breakfast. for my vegetables this year, they’re going to move to pots on the ‘porch’ where they will have more full sun and i can purchase just one of each plant. the long garden bed along the garage here at the rental will get some new to me seeds this year: ammi- green mist and chamomile – german (after seeing your herb spiral and having great success with lemon balm). and old favorites: teddy bear sunflowers and black eyed susans. i managed to get two humongous bundles of irises from different neighbors a few months ago (for free!) that i cleaned up and divided, so i’m also really looking forward to seeing them come up this next year too.

    we’ve got the endless, gloomy, cold, grey days of late winter at the moment. this year, after considering it for the last several years, i’ve gotten a special lamp for full spectrum light. its improved my mood and quality of sleep and focus. but the last handful of days, crummy nights of sleep have snuck back in again >< i'm still getting out for big hikes and yoga each day, so i'm thinking its probably general stress about the overall state of things.

    1. Hi Lee!
      Oh what fun – new seeds! I love doing a seed order! Oh yes.. the lemon balm is a mad thing haha
      What a wonderful score with the iris!!! Those are so expensive to buy!! I hope lots of them bloom in their first year for you. I found my first year a bit scant after re planting but then this season much better!
      Great idea about the light. Jeff was looking into one but didn’t get it. Since he does the night shifts and in winter,… he doesn’t get much sun/natural lifht
      Its great you are getting out and hiking etc!! We’ve fallen off with the hiking again. Sigh. Just so much to do!
      Stay well!! Thanks so much for the update on whats happening! xx

  2. I’m glad Pip grew into his legs!!! Now I need to look at some pictures of my cats when kittens to see if their legs were long. Nice thing about you having summer while I am having winter here in Idaho, I feel like summer never ends. I get to enjoy your flowers and vegie pictures. What does bandicoot mean?

    1. The Siamese seem to be a leggy breed πŸ™‚ I hope you are enjoying winter!! I love the slow time.
      Bandicoot… its a little marsupial native Australian animal… it digs a lot looking for grubs. Sometimes we find lots of little holes in the lawn.
      So… Bandicooting potatoes is just the term we use to go digging up potatoes from under the plant without actually digging up the plant. Just stealing a few before full harvest!
      πŸ™‚ Have a lovely day!!

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