I spent a delightful day yesterday slothing in front of the fire with my crochet. Very pleased to have quite quickly finish off the shawl for Ruby’s birthday. I know she will growl at me, because there is a ‘no presents’ rule, but I did manage to get her to agree to a ‘home made’ loop-hole! 🙂 I will still probably get into a little bit of trouble! 😀
I need to write a list. We have all the family arriving at various times at the start of next month so we are all here to party on at Ruby’s 100th birthday gathering! It was with a bit of horror that I realised we are halfway through August!! How did that happen?? I clearly have not been paying attention!
Since the weather continued on its abysmal track, (Dark, rain, wind, rain, sun, rainbow, rain, wind) we decided to clear out the library, as it needed to fit two mattresses in. (I say library, as that’s what we want to properly kit it out to being, but its more the room where you browse-for-a-book-or-put-stuff-in-here-that-doesn’t-have-a-real-home-yet room.)
We very much want to get in and completely cover this room in floor to ceiling bookshelves… we are probably a little scared to start such a big project, but I am getting increasingly sad that a lot of our books are still in boxes, or not well set out.
I also took time today to start a new batch of rocks tumbling. This entails grabbing one of the many buckets of previously collected rocks…
Then a container of water with a towel, so you can dunk the stones in to see potentially how they will look when polished. The dry rocks are very uninspiring really –
But after a quick dip, the colours come up startlingly different!
Hard to believe they are the same rocks!
My sister, Michelle, said my nephew, Riley was VERY keen to go collect rocks for me to polish for him!! Apparently he reckons he will be taking the final product home with him. He may be a tad disappointed to find out its a 4 week process!! 😀
Can’t wait for all the family to arrive! It will be like one giant slumber party!!
Hope your weekends are going along fantastically!
Wow the library looks great now!
🙂 Thank-you! Will look better when we stop procrastinating about building bookshelves!