Day of Worms

Fancy new compost bins!

Hello! How is everyone’s weekend so far?

Lucky me! My fabulous husband went online shopping and bought me a surprise… two surprises actually! Compost bins!

He figured it would take too long to get around to building more and found these!


Luckily I collect weird things, like bags of chicken poo, so I was able to 3/4 fill one already with the hay/chicken poo mix from cleaning the chicken coop.

My chicken poo collection.

I have also dumped in a lot of worms, transported mostly from the original compost.

Looking forward to filling them up with more scraps & mulch etc.

It really was a fabulous day out there! When Tassie weather is on form, its gorgeous! I was in a t-shirt all day.

Jeff had begun to dig and weed the duck yard (we have never actually HAD ducks, but because this yard originally had a pond area, we figured ducks must have lived here!)


The weeds really had taken over as its not an area we use – its a chicken yard really.

I have plans for those big rocks!!
Whatever this is, its growing very well. Happily it wasn’t too hard to dig up – just a lot of it.

Screecher, our one remaining original chicken, totally knows the ropes when it comes to us digging in the garden… snacks galore!

Sucking back worms like spaghetti!

The other girls got in on the act too

Poor worms

I thought it would be good for Pip to be outside for a change. He has spent far too many hours buried under the doona, the lazy cat!

Seeking entry into the back paddock!
I think cats also photosynthesise!

Funny to watch one of the new chickens trying to get brave enough to get closer to check out what kind of weird bird he was!

She kept clucking at him as well!

We made quite a lot of progress over the afternoon, along with several chooks coming in to ‘help’ dig

Jeff & the Team

Rewards were plentiful!



I am pretty sure all the chooks had a great afternoon! So much enthusiastic scratching and scoffing of worms!

Scratch, scratch, peck peck
Once the new girls got the hang of what was going on, they were quite bold in the worm catching arena!
On overtime now.

The sun was gone, moon had risen, about time to call it a day!

Last barrow load
Not quite a full moon yet

Felt so good to be out in the garden again getting some work done!

Disposed of several of these today!

So pleased with todays work!!


I should be able to finish off the last bit tomorrow afternoon if the weather plays nice again.

We are going to block the chickens access to this area next season and this lovely big space is destined to be one of my new vegetable gardens!

I figured I could have a good patch of corn, and also put the space hungry pumpkins and zucchinis in this area. Also along the taller fence to the right of the below image, I could plant a row of runner beans that can climb up the fence and do their thing.

I also plan to boarder as much of it as possible with marigolds!

Beautiful space!

I totally cannot wait for spring!

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Sun setting, moon rising

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

5 thoughts on “Day of Worms”

  1. Can’t wait for spring, and yet you’re having so much fun in winter! I absolutely adore your chickens, especially the one who wanted to know more about Pip, hilarious. 😀

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