Deluge Aftermath

Waterfall gone…


Well… after a wild and woolly night, I was greeted with a bit of a mess this morning.

A new direction in problem solving!

Its insane how much stony gravel there was…. I am sure we didn’t have that much! But it certainly spread its way down the back!

This is going to be really annoying to clean up
Reflecting on the job ahead

So really, my way of dealing with the situation was to grab my camera, jump in the car and go see what was happening in the local area.

Lots of stories floating (haha) about with damage, flooding, missing boats and garages collapsing on BMW’s (I didn’t even know someone in little sleepy Wynyard actually owned a BMW) ๐Ÿ™‚

Insurance companies were incredibly busy today running about sorting out claims.

Anyway, first unscheduled stop was the bridge at the start of our river walk. I saw cars parked, including police, so I dove in, parked and went to stare at the raging torrent our little tidal river had become!

Here is what we are used to seeing:

Taken from the footbridge

This was today:

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Footbridge was under water. This was taken from the highway bridge. Tree in the middle is same as tree on right side of above photo if you are trying to work out scale.

The river walk path has been obliterated and the people on the corner property have lost their fence (you can see it on the right side)

Next stop, Wynyard Wharf

Pulling up logs that had jammed under the boats and pier

It was a very busy scene

A huge chunk of tree!
Its not even quite high tide, but the water is higher than I have seen it before

Some of the boats did not have a good night

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My cousins boat has survived even if it has a little bit of a lean! (This is at the mouth of the Inglis River looking out to the ocean)

Nextย stop… see what Wynyard Beach looks like

So much debris washed up on the beach!
Waves are mud!
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Sun trying to break through

It seems incredible that mere water can move huge tree stumps like this!

Kids playing on the ‘driftwood’ before the tide came in even further
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I spent a while getting ‘splash’ photos!
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Churning muddy waters

Someone lost more than just a few woodchips and stones!

Poor battered boat

I did enjoy a bit of art that was provided by Mother Nature

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Storm Sculpture

I hope everyone else’s day was a little bit drier!




Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

14 thoughts on “Deluge Aftermath”

  1. Is this type of storm normal for you? This would be very big for us.

    I’d send my roofer husband to help you, but we’re in Western Washington. I wish you the best in your cleanup. I think we’ve all been there at some point. All that hard work you’ve done, too!


    1. No, not normal – even the oldies I spoke to at the beach yesterday said they don’t remember rain like this!
      Worst flooding since 1929 apparently!
      At least we’ve only got some garden stuff to sort out and maybe a couple of leaks!
      Thanx re: your husband! lol! Imagine that! Just off on a working Holiday to Tasmania!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Mother Nature can certainly dish out some damage. Just God’s way of making us pay attention. It takes awhile to recover from flooding. If everyone pulls together cleanup is quicker. I Personally haven’t dealt with flooding in my home…..but hurricanes have caused some damage in houses I’ve lived in….messy to clean up!

    1. I have never been in a hurricane! They are mostly North of the country. That must have been rather scary!!
      We are ok here, but whole towns are being evacuated ๐Ÿ™
      No rain today – blue skies!!

      1. I’ve hunkered down for several hurricanes, I’ve lived in Florida, Alabama, Louisiana and North Carolina….and all those states see hurricanes. I did evacuate for Hurricane Katrina!

        It’s easy to live inland but more of a challenge to live along the coasts! Insurance helps too ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. Oh wow…There is a lot of power in the elements that people tend to forget about! Katrina was awful… even from afar it was hard watching the devastation!

          1. New Orleans still hasn’t fully recovered and we’ve moved on. But it was not pretty for the longest time. We were fortunate that my husband still had his job, but in a different location. We lived in our RV for about a year before we hit the road. During that time we commuted and repaired

            Ancient history

          2. That’s just amazing! A really interesting and challenging part of your history! Was that what started the idea to be more movable or was that plan on the cards anyway?

  3. Wow! I have seen flooding like that around here before in the southeast US. Currently, it is around 89 degrees in the hottest part of the day with no rain today and low humidity so you would probably love it. We have had several rains showers the past few days so my garden is happy and I have not has to water anything so I am too. It’s scary to see those photos and the things people lost. I wish to send blue skies and maybe even a rainbow your way!

    1. Your weather sounds so much nicer right now!!! Isn’t it nice when the sky does your watering for you??
      We had lovely blue skies today.. but around the state, towns are being evacuated, bridges washed away etc. Lots of incredible photos appearing on facebook!
      I’ll keep an eye out for the rainbow! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank-you Judy… yes we are fine where we are. (Same with family thank-goodness) So far nothing more than a few leaks and the washed away path. A lot of damage nearby. So crazy to watch whole communities being evacuated! We really looked at Latrobe as a place to buy when we moved to Tassie. Looking at it underwater now so very glad we are where we are

  4. Lisa we had already made plans to hit the road and become gypsies. We were in the process of taking a trip when we evacuated and upon return our plans were to get ready for an estate sale….it just set us back a year!

    It all worked out

    1. I am glad it worked out. Must have been a little frustrating at the time to be delayed. I am enjoying your travelling posts!!

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