Digging up Strawberries

Look at that for a beautiful afternoon! Not a skerrick of wind either! Was a perfect day for the garden

The soil in the new garden beds had sunk a bit… as expected.
It was pretty messy and it took way longer than I supposed to find and dig up all the strawberries!

Lots to choose from when replanting.
Nope… I have no idea which ones are the first runners!! As usual, it was all out of control so will just have to take pot luck.

Oh and I found the Godzilla of Worms

I posted it on my gardening pages where a lively debate ensued thinking it was a variety of blind snake!!
I know worms and snakes so was 100% certain that it was a worm.
Plus we only have three varieties of snakes in Tasmania and the blind garden snake is not one of them.
To be honest I did a double take though when I first spotted it!

I pretty much emptied the trailer of soil and as you can see… not full enough! Must get back to Sharons and beg some more soil! 🙂

So far the other little strawberries I transplanted the other week are doing ok!! Some are even flowering so I am taking this as a good sign.

The night before I went snail hunting in the tulip and iris patch… so many!!
I took them down for the chooks of course the next day!

They were pretty thrilled… and despite being enough snails for everyone to feast, there was still a lot of chasing and snail-stealing going on!

The ‘bok bok bok’s get a bit echoey in the bucket haha

Another job that has been a LONG time coming is repotting my Boronia…
Took a leaf out of Monty Don’s page and used the pot to make a hole in the new soil first.

Then off came the pot and into the soil it went. Hope it survives the change!!

Jeff went off south yesterday back to the Lune River (Addicted much?) Too hard for us both to go to re organise the animals and I wasn’t going back to the vet so soon… I’ve only just recovered from the last trip haha
I am sure Pip has forgotten!
Anyway, I’ll save a ‘me’ trip up… perhaps an Overland Jaunt???
Hopefully Jeff is having fun and finding lots more agate!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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