Not much from me today!
I did get a barrel of rocks chosen and on the tumbler š Jeff got me some new grits for Christmas!
We are in danger of losing the cherry plums this season. They seem rather late ripening – guessing because of the weather dipping back to cold so often. Now squadrons of birds have found the trees and are happily pecking a hole in each fruit and dropping them to the ground!!! What a mess and waste.
So, we attempted to get the nets in and around some of the branches which is a pain in the rear job as you can’t do it properly and netting is so hard to work with!!
Still, we might get to save a few.
I did pick some green ones to see how they go ripening inside. If they do, I’ll pick a lot more before they get pecked!
Speaking of dodgy brothers jobs… this is the pen of shame for our broody chook. Today I got the top right so she was stuck in there without escaping. I think the phrase ‘Not Happy Jan’ works in her case! Hopefully after a day or two in here she forgets about her broody state!
She’s just lucky that she is not living back in Ruby’s day – who said they put broody chooks in a bag, hung them on the clothesline and squirted them with the hose!! Apparently they soon forgot about being broody!!
This half way horrifies me and half way makes me laugh. Torn.
Once the evening cooled off, we got out for a lap around the river track. It was really nice out there. Going to look at the current tides to see when I can sneak in a paddle!! Its certainly the weather for it!
Hope you are enjoying the first week of the new year!