Someone needs to move these out of my reach for a while.
It doesn’t matter that I am starting to feel a little funny, I can’t stop eating them!!!
We dived into “Egg Money” to treat ourselves to a packet (each) (That saves the husband – wife squabbles because someone may have eaten more than his fair share)
So – what are people doing over this long weekend? Celebrating Easter? Taking a well earned breather? Work as normal?
I think one of our chooks is taking a well earned breather, as she laid a marble this morning!! I mean really! It wasn’t worth her effort!!

One of the fun things about living around here is randomness. I was sitting inside avoiding some housework today when I heard someone walking around the house. I saw a lady looking lost, so I went out to say hi and see what she wanted.
Turns out she and her husband dropped in because they had seen my sign and wanted vegetables – even though the tables weren’t out!
Fabulous! Here – grab a box and follow me! What do you want?
So I dragged them all over the yard and let them pick and dig what they fancied, including cherry tomatoes –

Beans, parsley, carrots, apples and beetroot

I threw in a few seedlings and seeds as they are just preparing a garden, then we got down to the business end of the deal.
“How much?”
“Um… more than $5, less than $10?” (you can tell I am totally prepared and businesslike for all of this)
They laughed, handed me $10 and promised to return!
River Afternoon
Since Jeff has a nice stretch off from work and the day was warm, we decided to take advantage of the autumn sunshine and take the kayaks out for a paddle.

We only recently invested in kayaks. I had been putting little bits of money aside for about a year – the five year plan was to head to Ireland – but Jeff got a bit keen when he heard how much I had squirrelled away and suggested we get the kayaks.
We had often seen people kayaking on a lot of the local tidal rivers and it looked a wonderful way to spend a few hours.
Mine is the Kitty-Cat-Kayak

We usually like to put the kayaks in the water about an hour before high tide. The theory is that it will be easier going upriver and a doddle coming back!

Its lovely on the river. You see the occasional other paddler, birdlife and if you are lucky, a pademelon. (Imagine a kangaroo that is not as tall as up to your knee and is as fat as a basketball and you have a pademelon)

We got rained on going upriver and sunburnt coming back.
But that’s kinda normal for Tassie weather.

It was lovely floating along coming back and watching the gum trees as we glided by

Lunch tomorrow at Ruby’s! She is roasting up a turkey!
I will skip breakfast in anticipation!
Anyone doing anything special this weekend?

I love your blog! The pictures are so great and bright and interesting! You have the best life (at least compared to me). I love all the pictures. And everyday it is something different. The pictures at the beach yesterday were so interesting to look at. It was amazing all the angles you had. Thank you.
Thank-you Janet!! – I am glad you are enjoying a little view into this lifestyle. Its not high paced – I am sure it would drive some people nuts with lack of ‘excitement’ but it suits us 🙂 We spent 10 years working on the mainland with a view to moving here – Its great to have goals and work at them – even if they take a while!! Hope you are having a lovely weekend!
I am so glad you decided to start this Blog. I am looking forward to Ruby Tuesday.
Thank-you! I have collected a few new snaps for Tuesday! 🙂