Hi! Just thought you might like to see the cut soap from yesterday!
Love the pretty rose-geranium result… the fine gold line is hard to see but its there and rather elegant!

The lemongrass/exotic lime colours turned out a bit more subtle than expected but I like it a lot

Leftover mixtures into my bee moulds!!
Today we were out chipping away at that chook run!

Jeff did most of the construction although I was able to be useful finding timber, measuring out and cutting stuff to length

I pulled apart the timber pile to get to the size we needed as it was all stacked as it came off the mill.

We’ve put it all back in better order so finding what we need will be quicker. Should have done that at the beginning haha…
Never mind. We’ve put the intact long ones on top of the pile which we will be needing for the roof

So… here we are. We’re about ready for the next stages – door, shade cloth, tin and roof!
Oh and paint.
I will need to drive back over to the hardware shop tomorrow.
I’d like to pick up the laserlite for the roof, as well as more screws and paint.
Hmmmm and bird wire…
I better measure stuff and write a list hey?
Hope your day was great too!