Food, Garden, Chooks and Soap

Lets start with soap!!
This was the slab in the tupperware container that I made up at the show demo on the weekend.
I took it out of the mould today and cut it.
Really pleased with the bold swirls and chunky size!

Then today I FINALLY got delivery of a package I had been waiting for for I think an eon!!
Its a new loaf mould with dividers so I can do some interesting techniques more easily!

This is called a Taiwan Swirl!!
I’ll have to take a few step by step photos of it next time. The colours are divided longways into strips. The you run a paddlepop stick up and down crosswise.
Then… you run the stick along the outside edge a couple of times which pushes the design thus:

Its going to kill me waiting two days until I can cut it haha
The mixture drops in the mould a lot as the dividers are taken out so I had enough mixture left over to fill a couple of dragonfly moulds

This little fluffy-bum hasn’t been well. She’s been slow since we brought her home. She drinks well but doesn’t eat. The other day in the wind I noticed the poor girl being pushed over by it!!!
So decided she needed to be inside at night and hand fed. She ate a bit to start with, then went off everything but green stuff.
She is so light to hold!
Today I had a breakthrough! I’ve been putting her in the veggie patch for a while with me and thought maybe she’d like the compost – worms…
There was a half hearted attempt at them but not much
So… I took her out and voila! She found this horrible big SLUG and worried at it and pecked it until she finally gulped the whole thing down! (Shudder)
But good!! So I picked up an old cardboard box and found more slugs under it … then she got the hang of worms!! I’ve created a monster! I helped dig but she sucked back so many!!! One we found was huge… I tried to take it away because I like the big worms… but she actually snatched it and ran off with it!! Made me laugh. First bit of real animation I’ve seen in her!
Sadly one of the other new chooks has a cancerous growth on her leg and tomorrow is her last 🙁 Hate this part of owning chooks. She is in the smaller cat carrier inside in the warm tonight
The other three are fine. One I have named Dora. She has found a route over the fallen tree debris and happily just wanders around the back paddocks the naughty girl!! At least she returns.

Rocket seeds ready for collection!

I have a couple at least of these Goldilocks pumpkins growing well

Plenty of beetroot happening – I am still stocked up ok on pickled beetroot but its nice to know I have backup 🙂

That self seeded tomato that popped up out the back is wild! Produces beautiful large cherry tomatoes.

Lots of lovely fresh food is on the table daily. I am not much for photographing meals!! 🙂 Too eager to be eating! Anyway- fresh dug potatoes, that lovely corn and the first stuffed tomatoes of the season!! I have really missed those!

They only take a few minutes under the grill to be ready.
Really enjoyed dinner tonight!
Hope everyone’s week has started ok. I am sure so many of you are affected by lockdowns and closures… and empty supermarket shelves.
Here’s hoping we hear more of people trying to help others out and sharing where needed instead of this grabby me me me attitude we keep seeing reported!!
The next few weeks are going to be ‘interesting’ indeed.
You all take good care!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

4 thoughts on “Food, Garden, Chooks and Soap”

    1. Thanks Helen!! Re tomatoes… scoop out the centre and mix up with breadcrumbs, herbs (I used fresh oregano, parsley and thyme) and a bit of garlic salt. Then popped them back in the tomato cavities with some butter and basil on top. Five minutes or so under the grill 🙂

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