Guess what?? The raspberries have started to ripen! Excited much?
I hadn’t been down there and looked properly in a number of days. Its rained a lot so I didn’t need to go down to water
Jeff casually mentioned I had raspberries ready to pick!
Pardon, what?? Awesome

Do down I trot with a bowl to collect the first of this seasons fruit.

I ate them all last night.
I saved the strawberries tho… I want to make ice cream when I have enough

In other splendid news… the white garlic is bulbing up well!!
They look like they are going to be BIG

They have got rust on the leaves though … hmmm. Going to have to look into that issue so other plants don’t ‘catch’ it

Too lazy to lift the netting for a photo, but the zucchini are really zooming along

And the carrots are doing better now that rabbits aren’t coming in to sample them

Those weeds have grown way too quickly.
Its been rubbish weather this last week so I haven’t been out there to tidy up the plots.

Despite the wind, some of the snow peas are hanging on and also producing some flowers!

The corn is up… it also needs weeding

I think I should go out and shove some more seeds in the ground ASAP where they’ve failed to germinate… happily thats not too many of them.

A sea of potatoes! They are looking really good! Hoping to start bandicooting new potatoes soon!

The liliums are slightly past their best but they are a delight to walk past daily

I’ll have to look in the front garden to see if any others are about to bloom

And I am super happy to see that my borage has indeed happily self seeded and is now re flowering.

Hope you are all having a good week so far!
Jeff and I have finally gotten into the swing of daily hikes again and are back at Oldina doing 9km hikes up and over the logging tracks (in the rain)
(Oh my legs!! haha)

Lone rose defied the wind