Garden Stuff

While I was in Japan I visited a really special temple… I still haven’t blogged about that experience. (on that To Do List)
However, during that visit I wrote some promises that included to properly sort my garden out.

I’ve tried the approach of ‘one plot at a time’ and put blinkers on, to not get sidetracked and overwhelmed by the whole property.

The other week I got into the back veranda garden as I wanted to put in some brassicas (two green broccoli, two purple broccoli and two cabbages)

So I cleared this bed out, added some manure and got them in.

And because I don’t trust the weather, the slugs or the chooks, I took extra precautions to protect them

On sunny warm days I will take the bottles off but leave the feed bag protectors on.
Speaking of the chooks… they get let up our side of the yard on special days late in the afternoon.
They’ve delighted in finding the hothouse and indulging in dust baths! With all the rain there hasn’t been any dust for them

They all look so happy!
So I’ve left the hothouse alone for now – its like their holiday house!

Because I had time after planting the brassicas, I also cleared up one half of the veranda garden as well

The sweet peas that I didn’t plant are growing magnificently without my help… Since they were sprawling a bit, I’ve put back the stick tripod and tied them up.
Hoping for lovely flowers in spring

The sort of before partly in the middle shot… (yes yes I know. Worst sentence ever)

I only worked on the right side and the path. What I’ve left in the pathway is herbs, not weeds

When I get in the mood I’ll sort out the left side. But I got out a lot of weeds, and gave the garden another good layer of straw

And look what I found under the lemon balm!!

A teeny tiny pumpkin!! (Only one for this year!)

Its raining heavily right now as I type. We’d been lucky to have a stretch of weather recently that wasn’t constant dark and rain.
This gardening day was a lucky sunny day between a whole lot of gloom.

Jeff was even out there pruning off trees and bushes that had gotten a bit out of control.

The path might need some woodchip or something but at least we can walk down it without being attacked by trees!

I better get to bed. Basket weaving tomorrow – Its our teachers last day. Adele has been having some health issues so is stepping down.
Luckily for us, her daughter in law is going to step in and take the workshops.
Adele has been so wonderful, I hope she gets on top of her health – I know she will drop in when she can just to enjoy the classes rather than run them. There is a special morning tea planned for tomorrow and I think lots of people will bring in their past basket projects so we can have a big show and tell!

Have a lovely day.


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

4 thoughts on “Garden Stuff”

  1. Your garden clean up looks good. It’s summer here. We didn’t have time to work our big garden this year, so I converted my front yard herb garden into a little kitchen garden with tomatoes, peppers, Brussel sprouts, chard and onion. I have oregano, thyme, rosemary, basil and chives mixed in. Away from the garden I have a large planter of peppermint. It crosses with the oregano if planted too close to each other — thus all new oregano seed sowed this year! 😉

    1. Oh what a good idea – still have your lovely summer harvests close by without stressing over the big garden!
      I didn’t know peppermint liked to cross with oregano! Interesting taste no doubt!!!

      1. The flavor was so interesting that I ripped out the crossed oregano and planted fresh this year! 🤣😉 I also inspected for stray peppermint and transplanted it out of the main herb garden.

        1. hahaha… oh. Not a winner in the flavour department clearly!!
          I do love oregano tho… so its pretty important to have a non crossed patch!!

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