Hi There!
And another beautiful winters day today!
Check out my worms!! While I can’t discern a worms expression I get the feeling they are happy.
The last pile is dwindling! I saved and chopped suitable lengths for the chipper and future craft-like projects. The rest went on the fire.
Jeff got out the chainsaw and cut up the long chunky bits into manageable sizes and stacked it.
This pile is the ‘awkward’ pile. We were going to burn it but I put a note on the local facebook noticeboard for anyone who wanted it to collect it – free. That offer was snapped up pretty quick – a lady is coming to get it all (I hope) midday tomorrow.
And now we are about ready to call back the tree-guys!!
The manky-no-thought-put-into-it compost pile has been rediscovered! Smart chook must have had a bit of a lovely feast in there!
I also found this massively tough hydrangea!! Under all that wood and still got little buds! The least I could do was relocate it!
My other goal today was to get a spot cleared for one of the garlic plots. Its really time for them to go in.
Ugh – the ground was heavy to work in and those stakes did NOT want to come up. I broke a few which was annoying considering I was literally digging them out!
Took ages to untie the nylons… muttering at myself about tying quick release knots in future.
I grabbed a few tomatoes that look like they might ripen and gave the rest to the chooks.
I found a couple of sprouting potatoes which I put in the hothouse to see how they go… Oops… I just remembered I forgot to water them!!
So many big fat worms in here too!!
Anyway, I got it all cleared out and weeded – sort of (twitch eurgh) and covered with a generous dusting of blood and bone. In the next few days I’ll add the lime then will be right to start planting.
Will sort a second plot ASAP… as one cannot have too much garlic.
Last night I had a lovely time buying soap supplies!! I got moulds, fragrances and colours. I had to hit ebay though to get the caustic soda.
I seriously can’t wait! A few more things to secure before I can have another go myself. I got some really interesting fragrances and I can’t wait to sniff them!! They talk about the scents like they are describing wines so it was pretty entertaining!
Thats all from Tassie for tonight!
Hope your weekend is going along splendidly!