Hello! Winter is doing its best – starts off nice, ends up dodgy!
I picked a bunch of my thyme to put in my hanging basket to dry out. I haven’t tried drying thyme before. It smells so good!
I risked a bit of laundry – although its currently finishing off in front of the fire.
I also spent a LOT of time filling in forms and applying for a special registration for a ‘project’ next month. I’ll outline some details when I know a little more!
Finally… out to the garden to get the last of the garlic in. I was able to fit another 120 cloves in this patch, so all up I now have 180 planted! A good start to the growing season later this year. I want my out-the-front-stall to go well!
Since I have so many cloves I was also thinking of potting up a few just for the novelty value…
Seems I don’t have to rush off to court tomorrow. Their current trial must be longer than expected. We are not due back now until next Monday.
I got some yarn in the mail!! Exciting. I used a couple of vouchers that I had to buy them via Amazon.
I made a new style of glove out of one of them (the start of which is below)
It looks quite pretty, but the finished product is not quite right so I need to pull it all apart and try again!!
I enjoy these projects – I think I am in the middle of about 10!!
Once spring returns there won’t be as much time for this.
Hope everyone’s week is going along beautifully!
Hi Lisa,
Were both Southern Hemisphere (I’m in South Africa) and it seems we have roughly the same weather (hotter here i think and wetter there) but Im confused about you planting your garlic now…. I was told by the place that I baught my cloves from that garlic is very specific of when to plant and you should plant mid Feb beginning March. I missed this window and would be overjoyed if you say one can actually plant now also?
Love the latest wool btw. Hope you have a great day.
hi Harry!! Down our end of Australia its a little colder and I have found planting in June the perfect time for here. I think from memory you need a certain amount of days under a certain temperature to be really successful. If you still have some cold days ahead I would go right on and put them in and see what happens!! The last couple of seasons I have harvested late December. Hopefully you will have some success, but whatever happens at least you know for next season! Its so great to have heaps of garlic on hand! Let me know if you go ahead and how it progresses!!! Have a lovely day!!