Hey there!
How is everyone’s weekend going so far?
We had lovely weather today so popped out for an Anniversary Bay Loop. (huff puff)
Just catching you up on bits and bobs that are happening here – although mostly its been a nice slow winter pace!

I don’t think I shared with you the photos of the last soap that was cut. Quite pretty! This ‘Galactic Skies’ really benefitted from only a half dose of the fragrance. Its lovely but SO strong!

I also did a ‘shimmy’ design that worked out rather neatly (coconut and lime fragrance)

On the subject of soap… been organising a display for a shop in Smithton that I hope to be able to sell my soaps in
I bought a small set of garage shelves and (kinda dodgily) spruced up the boards so they weren’t plain chipboard

I put all the bits together and started to mock up a display

I plan to make some curtains to cover the bottom shelf which is where I want to store excess stock – so any of the people working at the shop can easily restock the baskets

I still have a few things to do but am pleased with how it looks.
Started this weird basket thingy

I enjoy these crazy non precise creations

Its not finished yet… and probably hard to see details within the tree!!
However, I need to secure the bottom and I have this vague plan of hanging it in the kitchen to store my garlic in.
It’ll be a talking point anyway haha

And I’ve started another more orderly basket.
My plan here is to use it on the coffee table where we mostly eat dinner to house the salt/pepper etc. Right now they are meant to live on a plate but they do get knocked off a bit.

I haven’t been in much of a kitchen mood forever. Just agonising over dinner daily is enough.
But I did have a go at making some rocky road for Jeff!
While it was pretty good we need to fine tune. Less biscuits (cookies) more chocolate and more marshmallows.

Will leave you with some beachy stuff from todays walk!
Have a lovely weekend everyone

I loved the soap pix and what a clever way to dress up utility shelving! On the bottom shelve, you could attach the curtain with Velcro for easy access.
We’re relaxing this weekend with sitting outdoors and long walks in the woods. And a little work mixed in between.
Thanks Pj!
I put the display up yesterday and have had a few sell so I am happy with the start!
Oh… what a beautiful start to the weekend!! I hope those long walks were lovely!