
I am sorry I am totally not keeping in good touch with my blog.
I am trying to scramble together a free blog site to continue – This site comes up for renewal in a few days (way to go procrastination!!) and its really $400 plus that I can’t afford right now.

Especially since I’ve really lost my mojo with getting back to write… I keep thinking I will… then I dont!

I fully appreciate every one of you who have followed along with me for the past number of years. I have enjoyed sharing and the interaction with people from around the world.

I am off to Steamfest on Friday – so I am starting to squish my obligations a bit close (I think this shuts down on the 8th)
So… first up I am just putting my email here for anyone that would like to keep in touch.


I really hope to swing back within the next 24 hrs to put details of a new page but… I am a little overwhelmed about whats out there and what is best!

Plus I’d love to share some updated Kitty pics. The girls are growing fast!!
naturally my PC is having a total tantrum right now too – it updated something I had no choice in…. annnnnd… its being a massive drama queen about it all!!

Ok… Much love to everyone wherever you are!
I better go make choices !!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

4 thoughts on “Hi”

    1. Thanks! I couldn’t get sorted with anything new so this will expire before I can transfer anything or start something new. I’ll try to fix something up when I get back!! 🙂

  1. Hi Lisa,
    Even though we always enjoyed and were entertained by your blog, that is a huge cost. We can always catch up with your kitty, soap making and garden pictures on other sites. xo

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