The other morning we woke under a shroud of smoke.
Seems like we’ve joined the rest of Australia in hazy conditions. Some smoke was from some local fires that are now under control.
The majority was from the mainland fires and held here as we had an overcast day.
It has cleared since then.
I’ve hiked about 28kms in the last two days and my legs are… feeling it haha
I also feel too tired to get into photoshop to post process photos for a proper blog post so… sorry! There will be a delay!
One of my readers, Pat, asked for more information about the facebook page that is gathering crafty people to make wildlife carers products.
The link is here for those who are interested in getting involved. Thank-you! (Hopefully I got that link added correctly!)
I nearly have a sunflower!
My friend Nardia sent me this, this morning!
Look! My snow peas are famous!!!!
They look rather amazing in this dish!
Anyway, I am going to toodle off into bed for a good nights sleep… I have a few plans for tomorrow in the garden so lets see what happens!
Hope your weekend was great
(Thinking about strawberry milkshakes…)
wow! that instagram post of the salad using your PEAS!!!! that’s really awesome. definitely would be hanging a shot of that on my fridge if it were me 😛 #goals
You are right! Definitely worthy of a fridge shot!! I was a bit chuffed about it lol! xx
Thank you, Lisa. The link is working fine! Excited to help!!
Hi Pat – thank-you for letting me know the link worked ok and thank-you a MILLION for helping out. Incredible generous people worldwide contributing. There might be hope for the human race yet!! xxx