Well… Tentacular took over the hothouse along with his new pal, the Tromboncino… And neither of them put much effort into producing food (I got about 3 passionfruits)
Just wild how they grew!
(BTW never be silly like me and get a grafted passionfruit. The suckers are going to be with us until we die)
The tromboncino did start to produce but the fruit never really seemed to go far along the development stage. Plus it had lots of white fly and bugs so instead of saving it – out it came
Everything just needed a good tidy up and a severe hacking
(Don’t you love the parsley growing happily between the slats? I have NO IDEA how that happened.)
I even planned to sort the outside bushes that shade the hothouse. Again I was silly in my choices of plants here (note Tentacular trying to escape)
So… hack hack hack…
Poor Tentacular. His life hangs in the balance while I decide what to do
Not bad hey? Even mulched… something I should have done at the START of the season!
Outside got its trim too.
So much light now!
I spy some little eggplant fruit in there…
I’ve left some tomatoes. There are some small plants that have self seeded… dunno about leaving them
Would like to put some broccoli in here – just because 🙂
The strawberry patch still has lots of lovely tomatoes just ripening daily
A decent days work really!
Hope you’ve had a great day too!