
I was going to take it super easy and lazy today.
So – I decided to fix up the hothouse.

Out came the snow peas, the table, the feverfew, took out the big trellis and brought in a smaller one.

Prepped the soil and planted out the eggplant, chilli and two of the luffa

I am pretty excited to experiment with growing luffa. If you are not sure what they are – I think they are from the cucumber family. Grow a zucchini like fruit and if left to dry, you make loofas out of them! I want to be able to put them in my soaps as a scrub!
They are better in tropical areas, so hoping that the hothouse will be suitable for them. Time will tell.

I dug up most of the established self seeded tomato plants and chucked them in the failed strawberry plot.

I left the smaller ones to develop longer

I now have over 70 tomato plants in the ground – for better or worse!!

I’ve put the big trellis out and the other two luffa plants near it. I also plan to finally put the runner beans in here too – soon!
Also got some goldilocks pumpkins out of their pots and into the ground. They might not get enough sun there… bit shaded by trees and if all goes well… shaded by the beans.

Emptied a pot of marigolds around the corn patch.

The compost potatoes look pretty happy! Will have to dig under them to see if I can find some spuds!!
Crazy amount of worms live here too!

I did a lot of watering today too – and the most tedious part of the day is uncovering and recovering the young seedlings! Takes forever!!
Still… better to give them a bit of TLC in the early days.

Collected a few snow pea pods that I should be able to get some decent seeds from. I left the vine on some of them so they can draw on the energy from the stem while they are still developing.

So – That was my lazy day.
Tomorrow? Who knows
Enjoy your weekend!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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