Looking a bit shabby hey? Nothing a lawn mow and net removal probably can’t fix though.
Flea has moved back into the coop with her sisters… I miss the little Brrrk Bok Bok’s from the corner of the dining room at night
As you can see… she misses us too and ends up at the back door
So… a project thats been on my mind for a while is taking shape!
The Hothouse!
Er… yah. I am sure its Flea’s fault there are random pots everywhere??
How does that even happen?
So I pulled up all dead plants and weeds, found a random potato… (Thats a puzzle… I dont remember a potato plant at all there last season)
Some bonus snow pea seeds
And just generally sorted the main area.
Hoping to replant the chilli bushes…
This next photo amused me!
A finger in front of lens??? Really?? I did that???? Eyeroll.
Anyway, stellar photography aside, we brought up a bunch of lengths of timber to work out what we had and what we needed for the project at hand.
Happily not too much cutting overall
Flea and Flossie were the first of the snoopervisors in to inspect.
And no show without Punch, so here is Pip
As you can see, I am looking to get a U shape all the way around the edge to bring the height of the beds up to the concrete skirting. That way they will get the light quicker in the morning and for longer at the end of the day
The inspector conferring with the labourer
Perhaps a difference of opinion?
Clearly someone is not listening so Inspector Pip moves up to loftier heights to sort things out
So… anyway (is that a smug look from Pip or what?)
Its not quite all together. I will get that top plank cut back to be even with the others… I am debating on leaving the raw top just for the look of it.
Looking forward to filling it up ready!
We won’t do the middle bed until I’ve filled the others. Will just be easier without dancing around a narrow path for that job.
I am also thinking of putting in some shelves that swing down over the beds – just a chicken wire frame thing that I can put seedlings on while needed then fold them up and away when they are done.
We shall see how that works out…
Girls are laying well despite the cold weather!
Flea seems quite happy back on the roost!
Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!