Late Night Cooking

Well… just to let you know, its not all Beaches & Sunshine around Norwich House. Behind the scenes I am getting on with a few tasks as well as acting Chicken Wrangler – gently introducing the new girls to the old.

I finally got around to making some pickled beetroot

Beetroot grow really easily around here

I had some vague instructions from Ruby, so I just went for it

I adore the colour of beetroot

To be perfectly honest, it tastes bloody awful, so I put the whole thing, pot and all, in the fridge and thought I had better ask Margie for a proper written recipe. The lovely lady handed that over today, so I will be able to hopefully rescue it in the next day or two.

I picked and roasted the rest of my beetroot to make chutney

I had to cut the biggest in half to roast

I’ll add the recipe for this at the end of the post, for those that are interested.


The recipe calls for three Granny Smith apples, but there is no way I was going to especially buy apples when I am still snowed under with our own!!

I did forget about getting some orange juice… happily I remembered I made some orange juice icy poles a while back, so I saved myself a few bucks there!

Handy icy poles!

I had to scrape together a hodgepodge of jars and lids to finish the job as the order I made a couple of weeks ago seemed to have been lost in the ether…

Beetroot relish – a delight mixed in cream cheese as a dip

Naturally five minutes later I find a bunch of boxes on the back porch full of jars, bottles and lids!!


My rather tardy order came in

However, it did kick start me into restocking my sweet chilli sauce


I like the fat long chillies as they are less fiddly to cut, so I saved a bunch of seeds to hopefully restart next season

Preparing for next season

The rest of the scraps I put in one of the Origami bins as they can wrap and compost easily, with less chances of the chickens getting into them. I am not sure if they are bad for chooks, but I can only imagine laying an egg is tough enough without the burning sensation of overdoing it on chillies!

Handy box

I managed to get 9 bottles out of this batch, Mana is getting one to take to Melbourne with her as apparently it “is the best tasting sauce in the whole world” (I am not sure I embellished much 🙂 )

So here we are at 10.30pm finishing up making sauce!

I had to open a window! This was eye-watering!


Not too many arguments yet

I’ve been slowly introducing the new girls into the old girls company. So far so good… the biggest of our new girls doesn’t take any guff from anyone, so that’s good. The three younger ones are a bit more timid, but they can hang out together.  Tonight I transported them all into the main coop – they are sharing two to a nest. (They look cute cuddled up together)

These girls are silky soft to cuddle – altho I had to wait until they were asleep to pick them up

Tomorrow I will pop them up on the roost so they get used to that.  Some wing clipping will be in order too… they fly up and over fences too easily and I am not keen to go racing about the paddocks with the cows and electric fences to get them back! (the last time I went near an electric fence I got zapped on the backside – VERY undignified!)

We also have a crook chook – she has had a bad leg for a while. At the moment she is pretty listless with not much appetite.  We have her inside at night in the cat carrier and in the hothouse by day where she is warm and sheltered but not too cooped up.

Hothouse chook

Dunno if she will survive, but she will get every chance.

Pretty scraps

I am also attempting at the moment to make some cider vinegar

Tonight for the first time I got it out of the cupboard to stir it up

Fizzing up!

I was quite pleased how it fizzed up. That’s a good sign right???


Its back in the cupboard, but it smells pretty good. I’ll have to find the recipe again to check what I have to do and when. Since its only scrap apple, water and a bit of sugar, its not much of an investment if I get it wrong.

Of course I am still putting apples through the dehydrator. I suspect Jeff is eating them almost as fast as I make them!!

Yet another batch of apple

Despite the rain and cold weather there are still a few pretties in the garden  – photographed a few in between rainfalls





Since Mana is catching a plane tomorrow, we dropped in to say goodbye to Margie & Ruby. (Not least Macca!)  Of course there was cake. (A sponge from Margie!! Yummo)

Until next time…

I am now going to sit for a few minutes with my rediscovered crochet skills before bed!


I had been knitting so much I had forgotten how to crochet.. Went to see Margie for a refresher course! 🙂

Beetroot Chutney


5 beetroots

3 brown onions

3 granny smith apples (or whatever you have)

500ml balsamic vinegar

1/3 cup orange juice

2&1/2 cups raw sugar

½ teaspoon ground cloves


Bake beetroot (Approx 2 hours) then dice

chop apples and onion

Put all ingredients in pot and simmer 1 hour

I love this on top of cheese & biscuits (crackers). Also mixed into some cream cheese with a squidge of lemon juice makes a wonderful dip!






Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

4 thoughts on “Late Night Cooking”

  1. Lisa,
    Made the Beetroot relish last summer. Found your recipe after you mentioned it on Mavis’ website. Have shared it around here, so the love of it is spreading! Question: do you have a direct email that may contact you? Have taken your knitting instructions and made a pdf of them. Would like to send them to you.

    1. Thank-you!! I have sent through an email!
      Glad you have enjoyed that chutney! That recipe is a goodie!

    1. I don’t think I have tried it on cold meat – probably because I am too attached to the tomato relish! 🙂

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