We got the fire a bit warm and even Pips towel was too hot for him

Twist and turn

What I was actually trying to do here was photograph my finished basket … until Mr Poser was showing off looking all cute

I decided if I went taller it would look silly.

The fresh colours at the top will fade quickly

I am a bit chuffed with it… love how the whole thing is made purely with the flax and no string or other man made materials.

So I started a new one…

I am using a needle this time and making the stitching much tighter .
Not sure what shape I will aim for… these things always seem to just do their own thing!

I’ve kept up with a bit more soaping.

I love it how this blobby kinda mess ends up looking so cool

I’ve been lazy about removing the blocks today and doing the final cut… maybe tomorrow? (This is the Lavender and Peppermint mix)

Today I made some ‘raspberry jam’ fragranced soap

I think tomorrow it will look better. The yellow parts have lightened up. Will try another snap when I unmould them
Thought it was about time I started using the butterfly embeds since I have a million of them
I was going to do a late night batch but the power has been flickering so… didn’t want to get caught half way through making something

The weather has been cold and mostly raining a lot. So we’ve not gotten out all the gear to work on the chook run the last few days. Killing me. I just want it done now!
I did get Jeff to come out and be on ladder holding duty while I went up and mopped off the solar panels.
Ugh… that guttering needs fixing but… its in a dodgy high spot (uneven ground) so we’ve not tried ourselves and we’ve not wanted to spend the $$
One day…
Anyways, solar panels! I didn’t fall down so that was good. But you can see where my reach isn’t enough. Roof is a bit slippery so I didn’t get right up there… just what I could reach at top of ladder with the mop. I suppose getting 3/4 of them cleaned off will be helpful.

Yay for self seeded tomato plants!

Sunflower seeds!


Poor Flossie is moulting again!! She looks dreadful! Stupid time of year to do it in this weather!
She seems happy enough and still totally greedy about her food


Our tiny little Japanese Maple is now bright red!
Just a burst of colour in the corner of the yard!
And lastly… one more of the posing pussycat!
Hope you’re all having a wonderful weekend!

Love the basket! Love your creativity!!
Stay warm:)
Thanks Teri!!
Yesss that basket is wonderful. It’s always fun when creative projects have minds of their own 🙂 Hi Pip!
Thanks Lee! The baskets are quite fun and relaxing to work on!
Pip says hi! 🙂