Mid Winter

Still not excessively winter like although we have a few days of rain supposedly coming up!

Out at Judes place yesterday helping clear more spots, wrestling blackberries and lighting fires.
Always a good day! Came home with some cuttings and food!

10 photos of Rusty… one without his head blurred!!

Today we spent a little time outside stacking wood. I bring home wood from Judes, some is green and some burnable.
It needed to be all in their proper places!

I also planted some hydrangea cuttings out the front where we cut back the tree-bushes!

There are still a few flowers around

Ive forgotten the name of this sweet little blue flower (also plants from Judes!)
They were put in so small and are now spreading around.
Unfortunately the onion weed is going crazy. I spent some time pulling a few out but it needs a concentrated effort.

And the flowers are pretty… so I left some for the second.

I love the Hellebores!

Pics are a result of me randomly aiming my tablet down low.

I finished another long row of crocheting the rug together: One more long length to go and I can start on the short lengths!

I best mosey off to bed!
Basket weaving tomorrow.
Looking forward to my coffee and buns and getting a bit further on this basket!
Have a lovely weekend everyone


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

4 thoughts on “Mid Winter”

    1. Hi Laura!
      Its pretty easy… just time consuming.
      I cut up and puree 500g Garlic – and I usually add a handful of fresh parsley and whizz that up too.
      I then mix that in to 1kg of pink Himalayan salt. I think I use the mixer for that as well
      It ends up looking pretty gross! haha
      Spread it out on baking paper and dehydrate until totally crispy dry.
      I break it up into chunks and seal it in air tight jars until I have time to just use a mortar and pestle to grind it back down to usable salt.
      (If you spread a bit on the baking paper and put another sheet of baking paper on top, you can use a rolling pin to roll it out to a more consistent thin layer for drying!)
      Its totally worth it!!

    1. Hi Cindy… I did ask Jude and,… now I have forgotten what she said but not spiderwort. However. That is the coolest name – I googled it and its really pretty. Great leaves too!

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