More Digging

Tulips showing colour!

The weather held off pretty well today – even ended up quite sunny! So, back into the garden for us!

Attending to small weeds

I have been itching to get the spuds & snow peas in, so dragged Jeff from his comfy seat on the back veranda to give me a hand.


I relocated a few pieces of rebar to along the vegetable garden fence, as its my new snow-pea location. Weeded and dug in some of that compost and got the seeds in (Seeds I had collected from last season)

Lots of snow peas in the ground!

I had to relocate a few plants to make way for my potato patch. A few nice parsely plants & a couple of rhubarb plants that I thought I had killed – magically come back to life and actually looking pretty good. Hope they don’t mind the move.

Rhubarb, parsley and a LOT of future weeding!
I chucked (gently) this one into the carrot patch

There was also a lot of leek, but I just pulled them up. I have grand plans for soup tomorrow night.


Digging – pre parsley/leek/rhubarb removal

We have dug this garden over many many many times and I am still being surprised by the crazy things I will find in this garden!

Like this weird bit of rubbish –

Its not exactly small… so how has it remained in the garden for 5 years?? Does someone come and plant stuff when I’m not looking?

And holy cats, what about this monster potato????


I am prepared to admit, you will never find ALL your potatoes. But how do you miss something this size???

I have replanted it to see how many new potatoes it will produce!


I love our red soil! Its all ready to go – but I want to dig in some blood and bone before actually planting the potatoes. It was hard not to put them in though, and finish the job!

I still have a LOT of work ahead of me!!

I think I am going to have to pot up some of that amazing parsley!

Between our garden and Ruby’s, I am going to have to put out the call for some ‘working guests’ !! 🙂

Hopefully my network of travelling friends know of someone that wants to hang out in Tasmania for a while and earn their keep!

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!


Beautiful manfern frond unfolding!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

6 thoughts on “More Digging”

  1. lisa, i love all of your photos of the garden. i am curious, though, how much space do you have dedicated to the garden? thanks, karen

    1. Good question… I am sure someone has asked this before and I have forgotten to go out and measure. I am curious myself! Stay tuned 🙂

    2. Hi again Karen! Guess what? I finally dragged out the big tape measure to see how much space we set aside for the garden!
      The main patch is 30ft X 38ft (9X11mt)
      The raspberry patch is two rows of canes of 20ft each (6mt)
      The new space in the ‘duck yard’ is going to be approx 24ft x 20ft (7X6mt)
      We also have the separate raised garden bed behind the hothouse, the strawberry patch, the herb garden and of course the hothouse!
      I feel tired looking at all that together! 😀

  2. That red dirt is so fascinating. All I see here is brown (Washington State). It is strange that we are getting ready for fall and winter and you talk about peas for Christmas! That really made me think about temperature differences at that time of year.

    Anyway, I do have an Australian question regarding Vegemite. My 13-year-old son thinks it sounds horrible and dares my 7-year-old to eat a can for $5. (I don’t even know if they sell it here). Do you really eat it like we would peanut and jelly sandwiches? Does everyone like it? One review I saw said to Americans it tastes like salt and battery acid. Well, anyway I said I would ask you.

    Love your blog,

    1. haha – laughing so much at your vegemite question!!
      I love vegemite, but your 7 year old needs to demand more money to eat a whole jar of it!! It probably takes me a few months to get through a whole jar myself
      Its best on hot buttered toast SCRAPED THINLY (and artistically). Its savory (salty) so don’t go into this adventure thinking chocolate or anything sweet. The biggest mistake people make is spreading it thick or taking a spoonful of it…. even I wont do that!
      Tell you what… next time I have some on toast I will take a photo to demonstrate the amount!! Even so, I think you have to be brought up on it to like it.
      I also used to love cheese and vegemite sandwiches – school lunch of champions! haha
      Actually – I have a feeling it was banned in the US due to yeast content?? I may be wrong. Maybe it got banned because its horrible. snicker.
      BTW if this challenge goes ahead with your sons, I need photos of every facial expression please. Its one of the great pleasures of Australians, watching Americans try vegemite.

  3. I knew as soon as I sent this that you were probably laughing at this. I will read your answer to my sons. I will look for it in the store. It is interesting to note that you liked it as a child and also as an adult. I’m sure you enjoyed my question – just like I enjoyed your answer. Thank you for the education on this.

    Good night,

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