Outdoors in Winter

Rusty on the leash while Jude and I work in her yard…
Something about trying to eat the rake, the shovel, the wheelbarrow and sticking his tongue in your ear. Rather slows the work process!
(Still cute tho)

I did a bunch of weeding and Jude made an excellent start on clearing the driveway of grass.

Back home… We had the extra unwanted challenge of our house pump dying.

I didn’t take a photo of the nice shiny new one.
Of course it died on a Sunday.
We just survived until Monday when the fellow came out and pronounced it properly dead.
RIP Pump and RIP wallet.
(The bill hasn’t come in but… sigh)
Rates also came in. Double Sigh. Be nice if these things paced themselves out a bit hey? Not all at once!

Thursday turned out unexpectedly nice – we took to the hills for a hike around Blanfordia Hill.

This view never gets old!

The forecast had predicted doom & gloom with a lot of wind and rain.

We packed the wet weather gear expecting the worst and had a gorgeous couple of hours walking.

Hello! (Wow… clearly bright and sunny!!)

So much… up!

We walked up the tough way first, then came back down Blanfordia enjoying the superb views

Not bad at all!

And just a quick sneaky look at a soap I cut this morning.
A slightly new version of the Christmas tree in snow.
Usually I’d just do snow sprinkles in a grey background.
This looks way more dramatic!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend xx

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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