Apron & Ugg Boots

It was a fairly dark and dismal day out there on the North West Coast of Tasmania… I made the sensible choice and stayed inside with the fire going, ugg boots on and a kitchen plan.

I still have plenty of produce in the freezer and its a good time of year to work through cooking it so I will have some room in there for next seasons produce.
Thought I could stock up on some raspberry jam first!

Couple of pounds of fruit, same of sugar and a bit of lemon juice – fresh of course as I raided Ruby’s tree on the way out yesterday!

How do you jam makers test your jam for readiness? I put a bit on a cold plate into the fridge for a bit, then see if it is still too runny or not.

Of course – its mandatory to have some fresh baked bread to test it out on…

At 10pm at night the trick is to only have the one slice!

I also cooked part one of my BBQ sauce, but will finish that off tomorrow, along with a banana raspberry loaf and a slow cooked beef stew.

Hope your day was delicious too


Tiny vase from Japan – even in winter there still always seems to be something nice in the garden.

Chicken Coop Cleanup

Hello!! That’s Monday done and dusted! (more dusted I think)
I started with my winter rose photo instead of chook poo just in case some of you were having breakfast or a cuppa… so fair warning…

It wasn’t a bad day – the sun was mostly out. A good day to balance a few more wedding photo processing before getting my gardening clothes on to go and sort out the chicken coop, which was getting fairly manky.

On with the gloves!

I gave the big compost a bit of a turning then dumped all the chook-poo-hay on top.

It can now do its thing – lots of worms in there. Hopefully all usable by mid-late spring.

Look! I can balance hay AND take selfies!

So much nicer!

I figured a decent handful of herbs festooned around the coop wouldn’t go astray… plenty of rosemary (for remembrance? They can remember about laying more eggs) and a bit of basil-mint.

(and fennel)

I poked it in all over the place, including the nesting boxes

The coop smelled awesome when I went back to close the girls in for the night!
Glad that job is done.

I then had a good scrub up in the shower and went down to catch up with Ruby for a cuppa where we swapped snow stories!
Where as I loved my day in the snow, she didn’t have the same sense of joy when she lived in Waratah nursing and sloshing through the half melted snow in winter to visit patients around town!

Hope everyone has a great start to the week!


The sun came out at the wrong moment for this snap… didn’t feel right about moving Ruby about for a photo when she was so comfy where she was!!

We Were Nearly Cold!

Well – we were right at the end of the penny-section in the firewood department!
In the nick of time, Cousin Jeff arranged a couple of loads of wood to be dropped off.

Jeff and I got in and stacked it all up this afternoon as it stopped raining for a while. Warmed us up properly before we even put any of it in the fire!

I have also come up with a new plan to store/stack our firewood – which involves some pallets, star pickets & some canvas from an old tent we can’t use… It looks perfectly reasonable in my head, but from the look on Jeff’s face I am not sure he is totally convinced.
Anyway – that will be a summer project!

One more egg!! We got 4 the other day, so things are looking up.
Then I couldn’t help take some random-aim – chook-face photos

My last lettuce that was ravaged by one of the chickens is putting out some new leaves. This makes me happy.

The few frosts we have had haven’t killed my parsley or beetroot.

The last outside tomato is slowly dying off… but not before we get a few more handfuls of tomatoes!

In winter its still nice to be able to put your own tomatoes, corn (from the freezer), potato (Stored), beetroot (Pickled) etc on the plate for dinner!

Hope your weekend has been fabulous!


There is a chicken at the end of my rainbow…

Snow Hiking!

It was time to get further out into the great outdoors!
Jeff asked me yesterday if I’d like to go up to Cradle Mt to see what it looked like in the snow!
The weather was looking positive, so I jumped on board with the idea, then rang our cousin, Fiona who also keenly joined in the snow party!

We seriously could not have had a better day – sky was clear blue and the snow powdery and beautiful!

We headed up the Horse Track, and back via Marion’s Lookout. A scenic route that had us on the go for about six hours.

It didn’t take us long to have to start shedding the layers… in fact, Fiona was hiking in a singlet top there for a while!

I had gone as far down the clothes scale as I could without hiking in my bra! It really was that hot earlier on in the day!

This is me looking very cool (and not so cold) hiking up the Horse Track

In reality – I fell down a lot!! Some of those drifts were pretty deep and had us floundering about a fair bit!

Today I was head in the blue skies and feet in the snow…

The view at Crater Peak was, as usual, fabulous. We ate lunch up here!

Trudging along towards Cradle to get onto the Overland track, and back via Marion’s Lookout… we were the first along some of the areas – the poles helped our direction but still didn’t help up stay on the track!

I think the snow patterns are as pretty as the sand ones!

Tastes good too…

(Yes – we know this is a no-no, but we weren’t in any sort of hypothermia danger at that point!!)

Beautiful views over past Barn Bluff!
We met a Canadian couple who just set off on doing the Overland Track today! They had a brilliant day to start. I hope they have a wonderful adventure… I am still not 100% convinced I want to do that in the snow.
(We need to get a lot more suitable gear before that happens anyway!)

There is a creek under that snow at the bottom!

By this point the sun was getting lower in the sky and we were putting more clothes back on

It was a bit of a slow descent down Marion’s… mostly because at that point lots more people had been on the track in that area so the packed snow had become icy. However… the trail through the snowy trees was a delight!

Time for a quick ‘Jeff & Lisa’ snap (Thanks Fiona!) where you can see by the colours we were racing the setting sun. Brrrrr

Plenty of fat wombats were out having their breakfast by the time we got back to the Ronnie Creek car park

We got back to the car a bit later than we wanted to (Not that you can jog off the mountain in ice and snow to hurry) but we then endured a slightly terrifying drive home over a LOT of black ice! Jeff did an amazing job. We seriously turned out of the car park, up the first hill when the car proceeded to go sideways and backwards!!!
I would have given up then and there and funded a hotel room somehow, but Jeff carefully & skillfully traversed the narrow slippery roads out of Cradle. It was the slowest drive out we have ever done! Was quite the relief to hit the major roads!

So there you have it – fun, excitement beauty and terror all in one day!


Heading across the top towards Marion’s Peak

(PS – I have now added another 230 images to my post processing issues!!) 😀

Ice Cream

Sorry – just one dodgy photo for you tonight of my cherry ice cream… which we are still unsure if it IS actually cherry – it could possibly be blackberry. This is what happens when you don’t label freezer containers. Its dark purple fruit and it tastes good!
(The cherry season was pretty poor last year – what we bought really didn’t have a lot of flavour so I am not surprised we can’t tell exactly what we are eating!)

Anyway – we are planning on a bit of an adventure tomorrow, so stay tuned. (All weather depending etc, but fingers crossed!)

Have a wonderful day!


Wood, Seaweed & Other Weeds

Midweek already! I thought today was a beautiful day! Jeff, however, grumbled and thought that despite the sun, it was cold and windy and therefore not enjoyable!
Still… we got outside to get some stuff done.

I had to empty the trailer of my seaweed collection. We wanted to take our bins to the tip as they were pretty full – plus all our recyclables and other rubbish that needed to go.
I can’t even remember how long it is since we last went. Probably at least 4 months.

I even managed to distribute a bit of the seaweed into my weeded garden beds!

All beds got a bit of a ‘do over’ with the weeding before I smothered them

Hopefully that last lonely lettuce will produce a few more leaves

Even the lemon ‘tree’ got some. (one day it might grow. Its been the same size for five years!!)

I got side tracked into digging up a bunch of docks… oh how I hate them! They are so hard to get out – they have a long tap root and it holds on like nothing else!! I often break them in the effort of digging them out which is REALLY irritating… I do dig down quite deep too!

There are more in the garden I must get back to. If they are young I can get them out more easily.
And NEVER let them seed! Nightmare. (although seeds blow in from next doors paddock so its not something that will end soon!)

Since we are getting alarmingly low on wood, Jeff got out the chainsaw, axes and block splitter and got a lot of our rubbishy wood down to usable size. Its a good thing really… we really needed to make a start on cleaning up all this. Eventually we will do a bigger burn (sadly I wasn’t allowed to today… bit windy!!)

Some of the really big stumps are too big to handle or cut, so I might think about using them as seats here and there in the garden. Not sure yet.

Often I had a little fan club following me today. Its ok… I am not fooled into thinking they love me and want my company. Pretty sure they are after scraps!

Day lilies are poking through!

Random potatoes. Just self seeded plants that I left alone to do their thing

Still some nice chillies in the hothouse

These looked too nice to chop up and put into dinner, so I planted them

Then I figured I should get onto my extended herb patch again and work towards finishing what I started!

By that point I was getting chilled and called it a day – you know, to lock the chooks up, come inside, put the fire on, shower, do dinner, knit something, wash dishes & post process some wedding photos! (oh – and blog) 🙂
I like my cosy evenings very much!



Afternoon Walk

Hello! How is everyones week starting??
I realised I am getting way too comfortable inside and thought today, rain, hail or shine I needed to walk off all the lasagne and home baked bread from this last week!! (Not to mention the cheese, bikkies & hot chocolate)(and the cake I baked)(I won’t go on)

The day started out with torrential rain – so I put on a slow cooked beef curry and by the time I was out the door, the weather had brightened considerably!

Oh but did I feel it on the first hill!! Haha – serves me right.

I had the beach to myself, but I suspect someone else was down here earlier…

A lot of new water/sand patterns after all the rain

The tide was on its way in…

I wore my gaiters today… glad I did. Got muddy up in the hills

I headed up inland – the afternoon light was lovely.

But the track was boggy and at times just a running waterfall

There was some creative hop, skip & jumping and I didn’t even fall over!

At times I just made a new path!
Anyway, I was glad to get out – beautiful fresh air, some much needed exercise and just the enjoyment of my favourite beach!


Yep – even got a rainbow today!

Kitchen Idea

Seems like all of the Norwich House Staff are getting a bit lax these days.
The chooks actually managed three eggs today, although why I was excited about this is a mystery as we have 10 girls – 30% laying is nothing to do a song and dance over.
AND while I was away we have had MICE move in!! What were those boys doing? The furry one in particular really needs to pull his socks up.

I want to get my food into better storage containers – and my younger chef sister, Michelle, gave me a really great suggestion.
Lots of restaurants get their supplies in large lidded buckets/containers that often get thrown away.
So I walked the main street of Wynyard this afternoon and came away with two large sized containers (free) from one of the local take-away shops. Another cafe told me they had just given theirs away but to return at the end of the week as there hopefully would be some more!

Ok – so… they are not the last word in decor, but they were free. And right now I am more than happy with free!
The less food in easy access to mice the better.
Oh the joys of an old country home!

Hope your day was mouse-free!


Proud Sister

Hello – I am skipping any stories of me today (mostly because it involved being on the computer or in the kitchen or other mundane things)
One of my sisters, Rosemary, had a much more interesting day.

The Australian War Memorial in Canberra holds a daily Last Post Ceremony to commemorate the fallen, lay wreaths and pay tribute to a particular soldier.

Rosemary, a Wing Commander in the Royal Australian Air Force, was the officer who presented the story of Private John Townshend Glennie, a young man who lost his life in 1935, aged only 34.

The War Memorial streams these live so I was able to take a peek and be the proud sister that I am! You can have a look too if you like here Although I suggest you fast forward at least the first 4 minutes which is the burning flame.
(Apart from the ceremony, there is a persistent noisy cockatoo that happily screeched his way through the ceremony. Rosemary said she was trying not to take any notice of him – they are funny birds!)

Rosemary has often done the ANZAC ceremony at our parents retirement village.
For those not familiar, ANZAC stands for the Australian & New Zealand Army Corps who fought at Gallipoli in World War 1. The day of remembrance is the 25th of April, and in my mind, the most important day of the year for us. The story is worth knowing and we are incredibly proud of this sad history.

The day now broadly commemorates all Australians and New Zealanders who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations.

After the service, we all come out to see the wreath laid and observe a minute of silence
A short word or two before hand
Max lays the wreath
Silence and a salute
Max (one of the villagers that served) and Rosemary
Explanations about the medals and ribbons to the younger generation (Nephew and niece, Riley and Georgia)
Proud Parent Moment…

I hope everybody elses day was less domestic than mine!


Weeding, Clearing and Accidental Celery.

Look at that! Totally an outside day.
And it was Saturday. I didn’t know that until halfway through the day!! Somehow lost track.

The garden along the back veranda was looking pretty bad. The tomato plant at the corner really had seen better days. The tomatoes were spoiling before ripening, so – time to go!

I did find a bonus plant! I have no idea how this celery ended up in this spot… but its doing well enough to be able to almost pick and use some of its stems! How great is that??

Everything is just looking winter-shabby

The grass needs attending too, but its too wet for that at the moment

I think the back veranda itself may need a bit of a rub and a scrub too…

Such a sneaky plant to get along this far right at the back door under my nose and I didn’t even notice!

The herb garden extension was also a bit of a disaster area.

Please note – the patch that I made with the newspaper lining, compost and hay layers is STILL weed free!!

Bane of my garden… these stupid buried 44 gallon drums filled with concrete! Can’t weed into them properly.

I was happy with my progress… but it got a bit late in the day and it was cooling off fast. Time to bail out and bring up more firewood.

I am noting little bulbs starting to pop up here and there. Its a long way to spring, but its still lovely to see (Above are tulips)

All the early garlic is up and looking really good!

I am very displeased with one of my chickens!!! I had three of these little lettuce left and she came in and gutsed them all!!! There is a wing-clipping coming up!

Pretty purple carrot seeds

Now… if celery randomly appears in the main vegetable patch I will have a pretty good idea why!!

Sweet winter rose is now blooming!

Hope your weekends are awesome!!
