Well… I have finally made a contribution towards the savings towards our next trip! I sold 6 pairs of cosy-cuffs to the local tourist information shop!!
They were actually after scarves and beanies, so I took my friend Maureen down with her stash of beanies and she sold them a good bunch as well. I’ll get Margie on board to make a few things for if they sell… they will want more and I am not super speedy at knitting. (Well – not fast enough if I want to finish making the 4 shawls I am in the middle of and a few other things on the go!)
And in a superb moment of bartering, I got a bag of delicious looking lamb chops!
I have handed over 4 bottles of my BBQ sauce in return and owe another 6 (Yes, apart from knitting & crocheting and photo processing I need to make some more sauce!!)
Anyway – very much looking forward to tomorrow nights dinner!!!
The photo challenge is up to day three.
Day two was ‘Candid’ and my shot came from the wedding where the brides sister accidentally caught the bouquet! Moments before she was under strict instructions from her father NOT to catch it!!
Day three’s subject is ‘Paper’ and I spent a short time on google re- remembering how to fold origami cranes
On a slightly different note:
If you are a fan of Anne of Green Gables & photography, check out this link to my friends blog.
Grant and Kate live on Prince Edward Island – recently moved to live a similar lifestyle to us (just more snow) (a LOT more snow) but gardening and being part of a country community.
Grant is a photographer and Kate a florist.
Grant recently did a stunning Anne of Green Gables styled wedding shoot for a couple celebrating their anniversary.
Its very much worth a peek!
Pip is totally enjoying the lounge-room-in-front-of-fire-camping recently. He is clearly ready for bed!
Best I go too!