Every bit of me is tired tonight!
After I made Jeff walk the boring beach (haha – sure he enjoyed but no mountains to slog up) he really wanted to do a ‘real’ walk… so we went back to Roland to climb the other side.
We went up the track we avoided last time (you know, because it kinda went straight up)
Oh. My. Giddy. Aunt!!
I cannot seem to capture how steep this track was… and it went on and on.
And on.
And when we got to a cross path Jeff insisted that it was going to now level out.
We got this:

I think it was another hour of still going up but with the added bonus of rocks/boulders to haul my backside up and over.
Can I add it was really wet weather too?? And foggy.
So we were going to do all this and fail to get rewarded with a view!
Did I mention it was wet?
I couldn’t have been wetter if I had jumped in a river!
Eventually I fell into a mud puddle and got Hangry (It was past 2pm and we hadn’t stopped for lunch)
I used up my quota of creative swear words but I would have to say it was a mongrel of a climb. When we return to Roland, I know I won’t be taking that path up!! (On the up side, I am pretty sure my bottom is a LOT skinnier today!!)
Everything is spooky and cool in the mist though, so it was pretty – even with limited visibility.
The mountain that you can’t actually see that we were climbing was Mt Van Dyke. Its alongside Mt Roland.
We had a small water crossing…
We finally reached the crossroad part where we were last week, where we could sit and eat – and then blissfully go DOWN!
I could better appreciate how beautiful the mist made the scenery look!
Well… I am off to face-plant my bed.
If you don’t see me here tomorrow its because I didn’t bother moving for 24 hours! (that or I COULDN’T move for 24 hours)