Why Not Bite Off More Than You Can Chew??

Gorgeous day to be outside

Well… yesterdays weather was appalling – so along with boring housework there was nothing to share that was interesting.

Today, I still had a long list of tasks so I figured the best thing to do was to go for a walk! (Which is why I am still up at 1am)

I got Shirley to go with me, as she loves walks. Shirley is a friend of Ruby’s and although nearly 80, is so sprightly and keen! She makes a great walking partner!

We decided to walk around the river track to see how far we could get and what flood damage there was.

Beautiful wattle showing up everywhere

This was quite stern:


We ignored it and continued. I told Shirley if anyone went crook at us I was telling them it was her idea!

Starting to look dodgy

We walked quite a way before starting to find where the track got tricky

It was a real mess in this section

It was at this point it just got too boggy and mucky to continue on – plus I wanted to bring Shirley home in one piece!!


So, having seen what we wanted to, plan B was to double back and go down to Fossil Bluff and enjoy a walk on the beach for a while.


I finally coerced Shirley into getting a selfie with me!


So – apart from trying to channel my inner housekeeping skills (poorly) I started a new facebook page for beginner gardeners.  I have been part of a page for “Family on a Budget” which is mostly recipes, but I post up garden photos to tell people if they are serious about saving money – grow food!

Well… a lady asked for some beginner gardening advice… which I messaged her about. Then someone else said “Me too” so I messaged that someone else…. then it spiralled a bit out of control and I had several messages on the go at once, and thought maybe I should just do a page!! Since it is spring here and most people are just getting going in their gardens, it seemed a logical move.

The page got about 70 members within two days – but I am not scared! haha.

Grow little lettuce grow!

THEN… A Japanese friend of ours, Yusuke, sent me a message to ask if we were interested in taking paid Japanese homestay guests via a company his friend is associated with.

Oh yes.. yes I am! So I wrote two word docs, complete with photos (of course) to try to explain how fabulous we think this area is!  Its actually quite difficult to choose images – you know – thinning it down to less than 1000!! haha. I tried to be not over the top.

I am now waiting to see if they like us or not! 🙂

Look at this little snot! Its going to race straight to seed!!!

Today I may have also rashly promised to photograph a wedding in Texas next year too. So my savings goals are rather significant as I have also promised to take my parents to Japan next year – also meeting my Canadian in-laws in Japan as well so we will do a double tour!!

All I can say is I hope my vegetable garden grows well and I sell enough to finance my jet-setting lifestyle!!!!!

OK – time for me to abandon this blog and do some dishes, bake some bread and be ready to wake early to greet the parents – Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed at about 7am. (yeah – that’ll be me!)(not)(OK I will be up, but I am a sorry sight early on)


Tulips almost ready to burst forth!!

End of the Week

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Will look better in a month with the cherry blossom in bloom!


Friday is done and dusted – dusted being operative word as I was submerged in house work while Jeff mowed lawns here and next door.

I think I might need to write a list of things left to do before Monday morning!!  Mum said they will get off the boat and traditionally go straight to Ruby’s for a morning cuppa because in Ruby’s words “They won’t be awake yet!!!”

Huh!! I am SURE I would make the effort to get up early to welcome my parents in!!! 😀

But – lets be honest… I can’t deny Ruby the fun of early morning guests and a teeny bit more of a sleep in for me isn’t a bad thing.

Dad has simply requested a fresh baked loaf of bread and some plum jam when they arrive!  So easy to please!

Have a fantastic weekend everyone… I will try to do something more interesting than housework to blog about, but I am making no rash promises!


At least some Daffies are out to welcome people in the gate
More beautiful freesias out everyday!

Almost Spring Cleaning

The girls are continuing to lay really well!

Parents only a few days from arriving and I am still working my way room to room spring cleaning. Today was the laundry and sun-room.

Basically I am NOT naturally domesticated. So I am trying to clean a room and then ban myself from it. 🙂 It might work!!!

I even folded clothes today!! I know!!! (But I didn’t enjoy it, so I had to go outside to water my plants to recover)

Remember my little cos lettuce?


Two days ago:



They are growing so quickly!!

Its very satisfying watching them zoom along.

I also got around to getting the Gee-Whizzer out to sort the food scraps that the chooks turn their beaks up at, to give to the compost worms

Bit of beetroot made for great colour and mandarin peels made it smell good. Dunno if I am supposed to put citrus into the compost… maybe I should consult Google…

Not going to bore you with tales of my domestics. But it does look rather nice in the sunroom now!

Hope your day was fun and domestics free! 😀


Planting, Cleaning, Burning!

The comfort of cats…

Hello!! Welcome to the middle of the week! 🙂

Just a quick note about commenting. I have tried to add ‘captcha’ to weed out some intensely irritating spam. It means you have to do some higher math to make a comment! PLEASE let me know if it it dead annoying, or not working etc. I will try to make any of you commenting exempt (I can add you to a ‘whitelist’)(But my skill with this sort of thing is limited so…. bear with me!)  I am not getting bucketloads of spam, but one company is absolutely slamming me with their messages – each message fills about 4 full pages and they sent 11 yesterday alone!! So scrolling down and mucking about with these “insert favourite insulting name here” is really getting up my nose!!  I am just afraid if I blanket-delete the spam folder I will put someone legit in the trash, as I have had a few of you go to my spam folder for whatever weird reason!

Anyway – love the comments from real people!! 😀 😀

So – today was really lovely and sunny – so I fixed that weather problem by doing a couple of loads of laundry – haha

Happily only a little rain though!

I think its still a bit early, but I had to plant some more seeds – curious to see how they germinate as I have collected them all myself

Marigold seeds

Trying zucchini, pumpkin, cucumber & Marigolds

Used a mix of the mushroom compost and Dulverton (super dooper compost) and some of my topsoil
Making life easy for myself – labelling!!

Do you remember Ruby’s tip about watering seeds and seedlings? I leave a watering can or bucket of water in the hothouse to keep it a moderate temperature to water my new plants with, instead of using cold water. Its kinder – as an elderly relative told Nurse-Ruby “You wouldn’t give a new-born cold milk, would you?!!”


I also took time to burn our ‘burnables’ Once that got going it was hard to tear myself away, as there was a lot of garden off-cuts that could have done with burning off and tidying!! (But I had the back veranda to clean)


Cow Audience!

The back veranda really had gotten into a state – partly due to hauling the wood in, partly due to Jeff’s new whittling for ‘fat wood’ hobby, sad pot plants (remember I said I suck at keeping potted plants nice) and rain/mud/leaves etc.  So I fixed it today. (OK the deck could use a good scrub but I wasn’t getting that over-excited about cleaning)

Its nice to sit here when the sun is out to have a cuppa and stare at the cows
Collection of pumpkins, shells, rocks and sea glass… now flanked by two aspidistra – these two actually came from the parent plant that belonged to my Great Grandmother!!! I love that!
Buddha in charge of the gumboots
These need to be planted out somewhere in the real garden. Soon!
I chopped back some of the crazy fennel to give the tulips a chance to thrive!!

Here’s hoping the weather keeps on the up & up!! Its great being outside again more than once a week!!


Promises, promises…

Ruby Tuesday: Getting Back To Her Garden

Ruby with her lovely magnolia – blooming early this year!!!

I dropped in to see Ruby this afternoon – she was having a cuppa with Margie, all worn out because she had been weeding all afternoon!

Ruby has taken out the majority of major weeds along the fence
Ruby took me outside to show me her weeding efforts today!
She has also gotten right into the rose garden with a trowel and tidied a good bit of that up too!

Ruby was resting up in the sun room when I walked in today –


She said after all the weeding she still had to go into the hothouse as she had promised her plants a bit of a feed and water… but she found something in there which was now sitting on the sink in the kitchen. I was sent to see for myself!

A nearly ripe tomato in Tasmania at the end of winter!! We will never hear the end of this!! 😀

Only small but it will taste amazing. Ruby will give it a couple more days to ripen a bit more!
She is laughing at me because I have told her that I have officially given up trying to beat her at the tomato game!
Still in the hothouse!! (Not artificially heated BTW)
Ground cover in Ruby’s rose garden

While chatting with Ruby the other day she was telling us about her young days when she played hockey! The country teams were all about getting together and having some fun. Sometimes they would even rope in spectators from the sidelines to play to make up team numbers!

Can you imagine Ruby, riding her horse up to the game, changing into her hockey gear in the stable before getting onto the field?? Thats so awesome  – wish I had that time machine! Oh the photos I could get!! 😀

Often after a game the home team would put on a dance because everyone was around, so they could all get together and enjoy some social time.




Have a great day!



Monday Pretties


I get excited every time I see the plum blossoms – spring so close!!


Remember a few days ago – ok maybe a week ago – when I cleared out the hothouse? I planted some cos lettuce seeds. Well.. yesterday I was thrilled to see that they had germinated already!!


Even better – this was all from seed I saved myself, so was having a doubly proud moment! 😀

And the jury is out no longer – the brassica that could have been cabbage has most definitely become a broccoli!



Isn’t it cool the way these leaves are impervious to water??? So clever how it runs off getting to the ground where the plant needs it most. I need to play about with droplets and broccoli leaves with my camera more!



I had to do a bit of searching, but I finally found some green sprouting on a raspberry cane! They seem really late compared to last season!! I have been starting to fret!


I did do manual labour today – but didn’t bother photographing it! I bagged up the remaining compost mix to free up the trailer. I am sure I will be using it up soon in the garden somewhere! The dining room table also got cleared too – yay me!

Look at this poor mess!! Amazingly, the silverbeet (chard) that I put in last November is still producing new leaves! The sometimes-pecked-by-hens broccoli is looking woebegone.



I also spied a whole lot of little happy self seeded silverbeet among the weeds and broccoli!


Which is it?? Lazy gardening or permaculture?? haha

Here is the broccoli that I picked and forgot to cook! Tomorrow night then!!

And more pretty stuff:






I hope Monday has begun well for everyone!




Even though we are at water capacity, it still killed me watching that water drain out!

Well – its been a good weekend -fun and constructive!

I barrelled out of bed this morning (ok – not that early and I did crash into the doorway as I am not good at moving in straight lines until coffee, toast and one hour has gone by) anyway – had to get to the market to buy wheat for the girls before my seller sold out.

PLUS – I knew some friends would be selling man-ferns (or tree ferns as they call them on the mainland) and I was keen to finally get some.

We don’t need the temporary water-storage tanks anymore (yay) and they aren’t so pretty so it was nice to move them out of the way, where they await new homes.

Now – if only I had painted big numbers on the sides we could have had a rollicking dice game happening!

Three of the four pallets we used are in surprisingly good condition! I am sure we will re-purpose them at some point


And hiding in the pallets was a feast for the chickens!


They spent the rest of the day at the gate just in case more bulk servings of snails happened their way!!
Time to get out the post hole digger!


Eventually they will grow up and get nice and leafy and hide the boring tanks a bit!


This is what I am aiming for:

Proper huge man fern at Dip Falls!

Well… next step was to try to sort out the mess of our path that the flood ruined.

First stop – Compost bin!

It looked quiet on top…
I am totally doing something right!! Crazy worm population


Jeff dug me a hole and planted the rose bush that we dug up two years ago and stuck in a barrel of water. It didn’t die!!! Insane!  I finally felt guilted into action to plant the poor thing (ok – Jeff did the planting, I just felt bad!)

I bought this great pot of random bulbs for $4 at the market today!
It was a delicate process to untangle!
Everything looks like it is in shock! hopefully they will perk up soon!!

Also put in the pigface cuttings to hopefully grow around the rocks


This is starting to look a lot better!!

It did rain off and on today – got cold and hot, but it was great out there again being constructive and making plans!!

Hope your weekends were fabulous too!


Freesias making an appearance!!

Rainy Outing

Funnily enough, this is called the Zig Zag Road…..

Today I was lured away from my crochet and a comfy spot with Pip by the fire with promises of rock hunting!

We just drove down one of the local roads (Calder Rd… Calder River & am am dreaming of Calder River Agate)

We even saw blue sky once!!

Actually, Jeff’s main ambition was to get into one of the pine forests and hack away at tree stumps looking for ‘fat wood’, which, if you are like me and hadn’t heard of that, is the resin soaked wood that isn’t good for any structural purposes, but it burns like a demon! (awesome fire starting material)

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Gloomy much?


With Jeff in his manly element, I looked for photo opportunities and the river so I could look for rocks

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Moss on everything!


Somehow these man-ferns are still standing despite the recent floods. They look a bit bedraggled tho

I got to a sub river that was running over the ground before the real river – definitely no rock hunting here!!!

Vegetation flattened by floods
Soggy soggy day!
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I am sure this will be a nice spot to return to in summer!
There must be green on those pine trees somewhere!
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But mostly what we were seeing – apart from moss – were dripping gloomy seemingly dead branches!

Still – I found some cool things – like this land jellyfish.


I found a few of these – totally no clue what they are. But the husband/wife conversation goes like this

Husband: Don’t touch it! (Still suffering from the ‘not ambergris incident’)

Wife: Ooookaay

Husband: You touched it didn’t you!!??

Wife: I couldn’t help it

Husband: Don’t come complaining to me if you break out in a rash….

🙂 He is so sweet!

I also found the weirdest fungi yet… a ball that emerges from a petal-like arrangement!

Just blooming…
Bloomed and wilted – or in this case melted into sludge

I was keen to walk down to the bridge, so Jeff chucked all his fat wood into the car and we wandered down



Luckily this bridge held up to the flooding… one not so far away ended up in a farmers paddock…. the sheer force of the water and whole trees smashing into it did the trick!

Leftover debris
Some of the piled up wood on other side
Looks sound…

Clearly we are not the only creatures using the under-the-bridge-not-quite-a-path way…


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We ended up fossicking by the roadside… I suspect a lot of the gravel has come in from the local quarries. I found a couple of really nice pieces of agate that I have high-tumbling hopes for!! (Photos at later date)

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Oh – just to give you an idea of the height of the flood waters… have a look and see where the grassy debris is caught in the trees above Jeff’s head!!! Insane!!

Jeff would have been 2ft under water here!!!

By this time we were pretty soggy and getting slightly cold, so it was time to bail out, go to Ruby’s for a cuppa, then get home and get the fire roaring!

We did make one final stop on the way home as I had spotted this old shed that was surrounded by the beginnings of spring!

Hope your weekends are brilliant!


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I love abandoned buildings!

Friday’s Footprints: Bruny Island Jet Boat Tour

Where the North and South parts of Bruny Island are tethered together!


I am winding the clock back a couple of years to when we went down to Hobart with our lovely Japanese friend, Sanae, who stayed with us a couple of months.

As part of our adventure, we drove over to Bruny Island which is just off the south eastern coast of Tasmania.

On the ferry to the Island
Everyone was feeling cheerful today!
Starting out

The cruise on the jet boats went for three hours, starts at Adventure Bay and takes you down to the wild waters at the southern most tip of the island!

Passengers are provided with very stylish red raincoats.

Sanae and Jeff looking very waterproof!

Almost immediately, the views became fabulous


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They took us quite close around and through the rocky outcrops to see the stinky seals! That was spectacular for the eye and a shock to the nose. If anyone else has been near a seal colony, they will know exactly what I am talking about!! 😀


There were a lot of bird colonies too

Almost like snow isn’t it??? snicker


Things got a bit wild and woolly right down the bottom – and it wasn’t really a rough weather day!!

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Was wonderful watching the crashing ocean!

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Then back past the seals…


They are great at napping!
This one is channeling his inner Pip

Then it was time to head back up the rugged coastline


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Beautiful kelp!
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View of another jet boat
Getting up close to the blowhole!

We floated about for a while waiting for the blowhole to do its thing! 😀


We checked out a lot of nooks and crannies… I think this was a cranny –


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Amazing changes in the rock on the cliff faces

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Imposing cliffs!

The best part was where they suddenly zoomed the boat between these two rocks

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They also take you back for a second go, which was terrific! 🙂

We really had an excellent day on this cruise – hope you enjoyed too!


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PS Occasional extras on my facebook page!

Challenges and Another Finished Shawl

So… life at Norwich House these days is all about dead rats and maggots. Really really stinky rats. Really gross maggots.

Best I spare you the details! (and photos) (only got 10 people coming to stay in around two weeks… brilliant!!!!) erk

I just need decomposition to hurry up a little! (The joys of a 100 plus year old house huh??)

On a brighter note:

Despite a little bit of accidental mowing, the daffies are slowly coming out!

Remember yesterdays unexpected potato haul?


Well… we wrapped the two biggest ones in foil and put them in the fire to bake – they turned out pretty perfect!! Def. going to do that again!

I also made chocolate chip biscuits (cookies) which really helped make the house smell a LOT better. No photos yet… 🙂

And I finally went back and put that black edge around the multi-coloured shawl which I think finishes it off rather nicely!



Hope your day is less stinky than mine!
