It was another quiet day – the weather wasn’t very inspiring. I did get up rather early to scrape up the last embers of the fire and get it going again so when Jeff got home and my folk got up, the place would be nice and warm. (I need to tally up my wife points I reckon)
Poor Mum managed to get the flu and is a bit miserable! And disappointed she hasn’t been able to see Ruby of course! She doesn’t want to risk passing on her bug! She was a little better today, and it was probably a good thing to sit in the warmth of the fire and relax.
It was lovely just chatting and catching up – and in a historical moment – I started teaching her how to crochet those shawls I have been making!!! (My sisters are going to die laughing when they hear about this!)(The Tree-Climbing, Horse Riding, Tomboy teaching crochet) 😀
I got out to water the seedlings and seeds – the lettuce is looking so happy, but nothing else is poking its head through the soil yet, so I am a bit disappointed!
There are a number of really healthy looking little self seeded silverbeet seedlings that have popped up in the raised garden bed (Chard)
Soon they must be transplanted to a suitable place. I want this whole raised garden bed for basil – I have plan to learn to make pesto this upcoming season!
I have started a couple of trays of wheat to grow for the chickens. I did a small amount of this before the weather turned into winter and they were thrilled with their wheat sprouts!
I guess they will be a bit slow while the weather is cold, but hoping they will be ready in about a week to feed out to the chooks!

I have several patches of iris – I have high hopes to see a lot of colour in a few weeks!
And its lovely to bring a little bit of almost-spring inside
Jeff and I are off to Launceston tomorrow – he has a conference via the hospital that he was interested in going to. We so rarely get away, I thought I would go too and spend some time wandering around! (its about 2 hours from here)
So – until Saturday I suspect you will just have to chat among yourselves as I have no idea if I am going to be able to work Jeff’s tablet to blog while we are away!
Yes – I am technologically challenged. (we don’t own a mobile (cell) phone of any sorts either) Â Generally when we go away we totally unplug. Its nice!
I am feeling a bit bad we are abandoning my parents so soon after they arrive – although my Mum insists its better we are not near her while she recovers!!
I don’t think Pip is going to be pleased. I am hoping he will try to behave himself, eat, not sulk and NOT HISS at parents! He has been pretty good so far… But it is so embarrassing when he behaves like a spoiled brat!! (Lucky we didn’t have kids huh?? haha)

Enjoy the rest of your week!!