Basket Weaving

Hello/Ya (I asked Adele to start teaching me some words in her language!)
I haven’t been into basket weaving much since coming home but last week I went and remembered my tablet and took a few snaps of things that were being created to share with you.
Above is a gathering of things that our teacher Adele has made.

Every week Adele gathers bits and bobs… mostly flax… for us to work with.

Above is Marilyn’s pretty basket! I love the blue raffia she is using!

Working on a flax rose.

Lynette has made some amazing pieces since joining the class. This one is destined to become a laundry hamper!! So she has a bit of a way to go yet.
I like the way she is using a straw to keep the bundles even.

A lot of people come and go to this class… I am not going to be able to remember everyone’s name to put to their creations..

The lady making this is fairly new and I love this rustic texture!! Its coming along beautifully

This sweet little dish is in its early stages and is the makers first attempt at a basket!!! I am so impressed!

Two new ladies joined in and now we know to word people up that at the end of the first session they’ll have a small little start… just so they are not hugely disappointed by not finishing a basket in the first class!!!
The beginning seems to take forever… this is my second week working on mine and I am not much further along than this…

I need to replace the basket that the Australia Post lost that I sent to one of my sisters. I am still salty about that. At this rate she will get it next year!

Amazing the different colours you get in flax!

Adele always makes a rose for the new students… such a nice welcoming gesture.

And because you can do whatever you enjoy with this friendly group, one young girl has taken to folding cranes each Friday morning!

We also get bikkies & cheese, cake and coffee!!

And I was saving Krystals creation to show you last! Another one of her wonderful fairy houses!

So much work in this… she is very patient and has an amazing artistic eye.

When its done I am going to pester her to get a proper photo shoot of it!

Its such a lovely way to spend Friday mornings – a bunch of really friendly people with a lot of inspiration constantly on the go!

Wulikah! (Goodbye)

Wul ( wool) i(e) kah ( car)

But you have to say it sadly though…


Arty Duck Day


I spent last Thursday at Arty Duck doing my volunteer day.

Pretty quiet… people are definitely staying inside for winter. It’s like we’ve been living in permanent twilight lately!

This shop is having a mid year raffle so I spent my day whipping up two face washers to go with the small soap baskets to donate.

First one done.

Decided to time myself…

Of course then a couple of people dropped by for a chat… but I still got it done.

With soap…

And done!


Not bad I guess!

Fabulous quilt, bags and shawls…

The shop is a bit on the cusp of closing as someone needs to take over as treasurer. Without that job filled, it’s impossible to keep going. It would be a shame as it’s a good outlet for lots of crafty people and the locals use it a lot… As well as travellers.

Being that it’s a bit far from me, I’ve never wanted to do anything admin wise. Just have my spot, do my days work, donate stuff or sell raffle tickets, but not commit to more than that. I’ll just have to see what happens.

Anyway… that’s was my slightly crafty Arty Duck Day


A Couple of Days at Cradle

Last week we used the $$ that Jeffs lovely parents sent us for Christmas and went up to Cradle and stayed over night. (Thankyou Judy and George… it was blissful!)
You know… so we could hike then return to a cosy cabin instead of a tent just like civilised people!!

Well… its winter so it was cold and wet… and we loved it!

The grassy areas under clear water!

Nobody gave this wombat the memo that it was in the middle of the day when they should have been sleeping!

They are so adorable! And very focused on lunch.

It was cold along the boardwalk from Ronney Creek!! Icy… as in our cheeks froze!

Because we got up to Cradle later than originally planned, we dodged going up to Crater Lake and wandered up towards Dove Lake via Lake Lillith I think its called

Lots of water rushing everywhere

Jeff rugged up.

We stopped briefly to have a sandwich… although not for long. The key is to keep moving.

Oh… I am using my new little Canon camera. It was a delight weight wise and I am quite happy with the photo quality. Not that I know how to drive it properly and I only have one lens for it. But… its light. This makes me happy.

I was trying out different shots – just to see how it coped.

Pathway, waterway…

Rain pants are awesome even if they are not stylish.

Yay! Mud!

Ahhhh… there’s my handsome husband!

It was insanely windy here… I was bracing myself on the walkway… didnt particularly want to be swept down there.

Such pretty scenery. Its hard to get tired of walking around this area. (Well ok, my legs might get tired but my brain doesn’t)

The clouds have finally lifted enough to get some views of Cradle Mt.

You can see how windy it is… the lake looks choppy even in a still image.

A bit of greenery… testing out the clarity of a closer up image

We got back to Dove Lake.

We bypassed the viewing centre (still not a fan)

We ignored the buses and walked back to Ronney Creek along the road… a bit further than what we thought but oh well…

And from there we walked along the Cradle Valley Boardwalk

I like this walk…

There are no mountains but its very picturesque.

I might be able to convince my parents to do this one with me next time they visit!

There are lots of little river and stream crossings

You can walk all the way back to the Rangers Station or catch the bus again at Snake Hill.

We decided to opt out at Snake Hill so we could get back and check in to our cabin, get showered and head out to dinner.

We stayed at The Highlanders Cabins…
Our cabin was called Quoll

A sweet little walk up through the bush

And here we are!
Someone had even been in to light the fire! What a treat!

So cosy!

Lovely and spacey… with the wood box right on the veranda to make it easy to keep that fire going!

Actually I had firewood envy of their main stash…

Anyways, we had a lovely dinner out but the next days hike I’ll have to save for when I get my butt back to this PC to post process the rest of the photos. (Again… I am way too comfortable sitting in front of the fire in the evenings to come over here to play on photoshop haha)

Hope everyone is doing well!

Book Nook.

Yes… I am still here. I confess to laziness when it comes to the blog lately.

I have become a bit attached to using the tablet sitting in front of the fire instead of getting my butt over to the PC to sort some photos. Did I mention I bought a new camera in Japan for hiking? One a fraction of the weight of my lovely Nikon. I took it up to cradle Monday/Tuesday when we did an overnighter but I don’t have a way of downloading the pics yet. But it was a vast difference to carry compared to the kilo and a half of my original camera.

Anyway… So, I bought this Book Nook craft project for Jeff and myself for Christmas with the idea that we could work on a fun project together.

(Possible future before the judge trying to explain reasons for a mutual filing of divorce 😂😂)

Actually, we did very well for our first afternoon crafting as a couple!! No swear words or fighting and we got a fair way along before dinner had to be started.

It’s a lovely little thing. Seems pretty good quality wise. It’s supposed to turn out like a miniature book shop (lights and all) that sits nestled between your real books on the shelf.

I was a bit nervous about snicking out the (in some cases) very delicate parts, but so far no mishaps.

I had also been to the local craft shop so we had the right glue. So far it all seems to be staying together.

It even came with a mini screwdriver to put the teeny tiny weeny screws into the hinge.

I ended up doing this bit… it was hard to hold them in place with our big fingers!!!

You do need a bit of patience with each glued bit to give it time to set.

Then comes the exciting bit of putting some walls together.

(The outside of the case…)

There are a ton of books to put together. We did the six required for this step, but it might be sensible to cut them all and make them up in one session.

I worry about a bookshop that stocks works by ‘Shakspere’ though.

Super cute… and below, Jeff’s finger for scale.

Then more popping out delicate pieces and gluing.

Waiting for the glue to set.

I think the books look mega cute on their shelf but it felt all wrong gluing them in place. (Years of book respect drilled into us by Mum I reckon!!)

Even at this early stage it’s taking place nicely.

Even some stairs in there!!

And just because we could we popped Totoro in there too….

I’ll update you when we next have a session… we’re looking forward to continuing the project. (And phew… I wasn’t quite sure how this would go down as a present or how it might work out but we really had a nice afternoon with it!)


Home Front

Nice as travelling is, it’s fab to get home to normal! Long time without Jeff, so especially happy to be hanging out with him again!

And your own bed!! Bliss!

It’s pretty cool/cold here too so I am really enjoying our fire.

There are a few things lingering in the garden. Forgot there were passionfruit!!

Jeff has been picking and freezing tomatoes. I picked a heap but looks like the frost might have done them in now!

I got around to chopping and cooking all the non freezer ones today!

We got out for a hike…

The weather that day was stunning!

That hike probably removed two donuts off my hips…so many more to go!

I didn’t do too badly for my first time out… I did return to Australia with a pain in the butt cold that I can’t shake… so I’ve tired out at days end pretty much.

So the next day I planned to take it easy.

Ok… I might have gotten side tracked from slothing by this garden bed.

The borage and twitch were rampant!

I dug up the surviving strawberries and lined the bed with cardboard followed by straw.

I’ll add some soil and compost soonish and replant strawberries. One plot down… too many to go!

Warm mash for chooks!

Yesterday I rested even further by going over to the hub and doing a soap demo for Neighbours Day. They’d gotten a grant and put on morning and afternoon tea along with a winter gardening presentation…

And me!

It was relaxed and fun… I’d made two demo soaps so people could come up and have a go at cutting.

A Lovely Anjou Pear and lemon zest loaf.

And the following black raspberry and vanilla soap… I honestly thought I’d muffed it up as the mix was thin when I poured it. I thought the colours were going to blend.

I am going to admit to a bit of a happy dance in front of everyone when I saw the design!!! I love it!

For the actual demo I used both lavender and peppermint essential oil and did the usual design in the slab mould.

So! Today! Sunday…. and happy Mum’s Day to all those awesome Mum’s out there!!

A perfect day to relax… apart from the tomatoes…

However… Jeff was doing outside stuff so I changed out of my PJs and went to help move wood and make sense of the bbq area woodbox.

And get kindling

Then? I thought doing some leaf mold compost was a good idea too.

A pretty rough and ready set-up…

I should be able to fill it a lot more too…

Now I am resting on the couch in front of the fire but am going to get up in a minute and see if I can find some Vicks to do an inhalation because my Mum is being all bossy about it and it would be nice to report in tomorrow and say I have been a dutiful daughter and have followed her advice!!! Haha

Hope everyone is doing well!

Last pic… cute little house vases… the water is drawn from the dish as the houses have a hole all the way through for the stems!


Japan Nineteen

Hi there!
Yep! I am home… sort of lying low to rest.
Thought I might regale you with another adventure!

By one of those weird world coincidences, I happened to be in Japan at the same time a uni friend was!
I don’t think I’ve seen Grant for about 20 years mind you!!

So I forced him into a selfie!!
He was travelling in Japan with his best mate Paul to celebrate Pauls 50th B’day!
They changed some plans around to scoot down to Kyoto as I only had one more day left there, so that was fabulous

Since I hadn’t had a chance to do the hike I researched while Maureen was with me, I thought the guys might like to come along and do something a bit different.

We started the hike at Kibune, and walked up the road about 30 minutes to the official start point.

The road had plenty of nice things to look at on the way up as well

The little red bridge was our official start point.

So… the first half I mostly stashed my tablet away as there was a whole lotta up to deal with. I’ve got snaps on my ‘real’ camera but yet to download.
I was pretty tired and anxious as I’d been up at 4.30am the day before to get Maureen safely to the airport, then spent the day with friends in Osaka which was lovely but I was kinda dead tired by the end of the day! Not to mention a whole swag full of ‘stuff’ to stuff into my bags in preparation to haul it across to Nagasaki!

Probably all the donuts consumed on this trip didn’t help my fitness level on getting up significant hills in record time but it was really lovely country side… and with the added bonus of coming across lots of shrines etc on the way!

Lovely big trees! Probably cedar?

Interesting details if one looks around… or down!

Below the tree roots kind of reminded me of being on the track at Cradle!

We’d gotten to the point where we were mostly heading in a downward direction so I stopped being a woose and kept the tablet out.

When I read up on this hike, the information had indicated a 5 hour hike!!
We didn’t hurry and even with my slower uphill pace there was no way that took close to 5 hours of our time!

See? Lovely downhill pathways!

The other side where we came up had much narrower and less formed pathways

Quite an accessible track really

Always astounded by the Japanese women who always look well presented, cool calm and collected under all circumstances!! Even walking up mountains!!

Pretty sure my friend told me that was just a location marker

Another little shrine.

We were starting to come across a larger structure, but found a bell before we descended into the main shrine.

I love these giant bells

And fun to give them a (measured) whack with the log of wood

The main shrine was pretty lovely!

They were doing a bit of work out the front so I didn’t get a proper snap

Never mind! (And have no idea how the vehicle got up there!!)

It was a peaceful place with a few falling cherry blossoms still in the courtyard

We spent some time there enjoying the peace, the views and taking photos

The views were pretty spectacular! Such a lovely clear day!

There were multiple buildings and gardens

And places to sit

And guardians

I have a number of photos from the remainder of the walk down the other side that I’ll upload and get to soonish!
Until then…
Take care!


Japan Eighteen!

I was going to write a story but now I’m not!!!

At Kuala Lumpur airport in the midst of a 6 hour layover.

This is me and Bun Bun hanging out!

Hoping all flights go and arrive on time!

Very much looking forward to seeing my Jeff although he might need earplugs for the drive home lol!!


Japan Seventeen

Last week I jumped on a few Shinkansen trains and took myself off to see my friend and her family in Nagasaki.

If you get a chance to visit Japan I highly recommend picking up a JR rail pass. I didn’t get one for Maureen as we were sticking to one area and it wouldn’t have been worth it. But once I started traipsing longer distances…it made sense.

The leg and bag room is more than generous and you can reserve seats for no extra cost using the pass. There are unreserved carriages too.

Me getting ready to crochet my way through the day. No sleeping as I had about four train changes.

I costed the trips I was making this week via the Shinkansen and if I paid for them each while I was here… the cost would have been over $700. The one week ticket was about $320 so no prizes for figuring out what was more economical.

Some countryside whizzing by.

Rice is well on its way up this end of Japan! They were only just prepping the fields around Kyoto.

Brand spanking new train!!

Fun as it was screeching through the countryside (smooth rides tho!) It was nice to reach my destination and friends.

Above, Tetsu and daughter Maruno. Below, Nozomi with daughters Maruno and Tsukino.

Nozomi stayed with us in Tasmania a few times and we really hit it off! She’s like my little Japanese Sister!

We saw them last visit but since then they’ve had a second daughter and now live on a mountain in a beautiful home!

Tetsu now owns and runs a ramen restaurant (more on that in a future post) but they’ve also just started taking on Work Away people to stay with them who help around the property in exchange for accommodation and food.

The steps into the terraced hills was one project done by guests

The view is pretty spectacular!

Even on a gloomy day!

I got fed so well!!

Home made okonomiyaki on the first night…

Sooooo good!! And edamame… one of Jeff’s favourites!

On the second night Noz made me karage! My favourite!! She makes it so well… marinated chicken that is then coated and fried along with some salads


The girls loved their rabbits! (Hand made from the Arty Duck of course!)

Their scary but cool driveway!


View from upstairs into the lounge room.

They haven’t established a lot of gardens yet but have a great herb garden and some excellent broccoli!

There are also a lot of established fruit trees on the property which is a bonus!

We did a bit of wandering around when the day was nice

Lots of bracken!

Sunny day views

And below green tea bushes!!

It was a wonderful three days in the country!! Really enjoyed catching up with my friends and experiencing a little of their life!


Japan Sixteen Point Five

Hi!! I am in Tokyo!! Actually technically I am in Omiya, Saitama, but it’s light years from where I was this morning… which you’ll see in next post. But now I am skipping all over the timeline.

I’ve spent about 8 hours on trains today to get from Nagasaki to Tokyo!!! So I did some crochet and took selfies to amuse myself.

I tell you what!! Lugging around approx 30kgs of backpacks on and off trains is not for the faint hearted! Esp when sometimes there is about an 8 minute window from alighting from one train and finding and boarding the next. I took 5 different trains today and didn’t get lost!

And thanks to my friends Yusuke and Megumi (who I plan to see tomorrow) I found my accommodation easily. They had pre scouted the location and sent me photos of the route!! Bless their cotton socks!!

I have a teeny tiny room but it’s got all I need…and what I need is a shower to wash off the travel grime and a bed to pass out in!!

I did go out into the neighbourhood and got some dinner etc.

It’s all crazy big and noisy. Unlike the little paradise I left this morning!

Anyway… this is the bed I plan to pass out in later! Better go sort out that shower and maybe return to blog about Nagasaki!


Japan Sixteen

Hiya! Just some ordinary stuff! I am miraculously mostly packed to move on tomorrow. Booked on the Shinkansen to go to Nagasaki!

Above… me with a bag of my favourite donuts… Mister Donuts!!

Maureen left yesterday… twas a 4:30am start for us so I was a tad tired by days end! Anyway, Maureen is home safe. Above photo is her and Mikiko wrestling to get her suitcase shut!

Amused me… and maybe will amuse other Star Wars fans…

Mari loaned me her bike!!

Was so fun zooming about Kyoto on it when I had the chance!

Didn’t even crash LOL

A selection of our favourite sauce on its way home along with Jeff’s favourite drink, calpis!

Making good use of the bike by finding my favourite fast food… Mos Burger! Park out front…

Mmmm teriyaki chicken burger and chips!

Mari helped me order my super cool goat logo as a stamp!

So excited about this!!

Friends took me back to my favourite camera shop where I picked up a new lens and also a new camera!! A lighter one for hiking!

A sample of the shops near here so you understand how irrisistible shopping is! The cool artworks you see are on box lids. Below those and in following picture are samples of box contents. So… you choose a box with either tea, notepaper, hankies, cup, chopstick rests, sweets etc. Choose a lid…

And the grand finale is to choose your wrapping paper and a sticker! So. Much. Fun!

i better get some sleep! I need to haul a decent amount of luggage into the main station in the morning so I need to recharge my inner energy batteries! Will leave you with a selfie of me on today’s hike!
