Poor Pip

Hi! Hope everyone had an excellent weekend!

So…Embroiled in the photo challenge and instead of gardening or doing other useful stuff… I am spending my time making props and fulfilling ideas about taking photos


At first I was going to chuck some chooks in a wheelbarrow and make Jeff wheel it about.
Then I thought I’d make them a cardboard truck

I googled cardboard trucks and they weren’t ringing my bells at all… but I did find instructions on making a plane!
So…out with the box knife and the paints.

Hmmmm… who am I going to get to pilot this little beauty?
I went to the Op Shops to seek out materials to make Pip a flying cap etc… but actually found a little teddy bear in a cap and coat!
$3 later and he’s all mine
Swimming goggles were hard to find, but the last opshop had one pair!!

Pip is a total champion when it comes to putting up with this nonsense! He sat in his Spitfire ready to go!

Just played about in photoshop to give this snap an ‘in the air’ feeling!

Then it was time for the ‘real’ photoshoot!

I spent a bit of time setting up the plane, a cloud and making sure the camera was ready and settings correct before dressing up our pilot again

The picture below was the one I used along with the following capiton:

Wing Commander Pipsworth loves to fly about in his Spitfire, combing through the cloud(s) for Messerschmitt’s – although he refuses to get into dogfights as that is beneath him. On weekends he likes to drive a Daimler…

Hope you all got a chuckle from this! We certainly did!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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