
Spring is so great! One day, buds. The next? Flowers!
Here’s hoping we will get lots of apples again this upcoming season!
I went off to the doctors surgery today to get my (slightly late) B12 injection.  While I was in the mood for getting stabbed, I asked to get my calcium checked again as I was a little dubious about it being ok. So I offered up some blood 🙂

Jeff did a bit more clearing and burning. It was pretty overcast today, but not much rain, so we thought we would just go for it and put in some posts.

We only had enough cement for three posts, but it was a good start – since we are kinda feeling our way with this project.
The chooks are constantly inspecting our work.
Then they go off for a smoko.

While we were waiting for the first post to set in its cement, I did a little sorting of the back area to the wood pile.

These before photos are a little embarrassing. I have let things get so out of control this year. I am tempted to show you just the cleaned up versions 😀
Oh well… its just life isn’t it? And at least we are working on all the terrible bits to make it better again!

The little bit of wood I moved cleared the path down by the shed so thats helpful. Will do some more of this tomorrow if its not pouring.
Am doubly keen to get my garden shed up.
Did I tell you I bought a shed?? I have yet to decide where it is going to go, but I am excited about it so I can put ALL gardening related tools/objects in one place.
Another job on that List!!

Some of the seedlings are looking like they are about ready to go out!! Argh! Suddenly I am going to have to find and prep space for zucchinis and pumpkin!! (Scribbles frantically on List)

I hoed my potatoes today! They are almost all up now! I won’t get around to mounding them up but I am considering seeing if I can actually mulch them this season for once!

The first lot of snow peas look happy. I have them under a net because a few of them got eaten! So much so I wasn’t sure if it was a possum or enormous snails. So to cover all bases, I netted them and chucked a bit of snail bait down. Turns out it was enormous snails!! Will remove net soon.

Rhubarb already massive!

Suddenly I noticed iris spears!! I love these flowers. They are so elegant! I enjoy having a big vase of them on the dining room table

And of course the cherry blossom continues to make the whole front yard look magnificent!

Hope your day was great too!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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