Rain, Hail, Shine, Wind & A Rainbow

One of Pip’s rare out of bed moments. He lasted long enough to give the weather a dirty look then go back to sleeping in my Nanna-Knee-Rug !!

I quite like the Tasmanian ‘I can’t make up my mind” weather. Admittedly it has been extra soggy and miserable lately… but it will generally give you little blue sky moments and a fleeting chance to run down the back to see if the chooks are still afloat, or show off with a rainbow or ten just because it can.

Source Images:  DSC_8095.JPG (Av: F18.0; Tv: 1/400 sec.; ISO: 800; FL: 60.0 mm)   Processing:  Fusion F.3 (HDR; Mode 1)
The gum trees that loom over our house!

The wind really did kick up there for a while!!

Source Images:  DSC_8096.JPG (Av: F18.0; Tv: 1/500 sec.; ISO: 800; FL: 48.0 mm)   Processing:  Fusion F.3 (HDR; Mode 1)
Dancing in the wind

The other half of our front gate set got blown off its hinges… there goes another job on to the ever lengthening yard list!


I had to re-weight the tarps down a few times before I got it right. The wind blew up in sneaky ways and dislodged the concrete blocks!!

I sorted this out but so far – no floods!

Very pleased with the weather curtain – it shields the barrow of wood and its really nice not literally wading in through the door!


The ground is now so sodden that its hard to push the wheelbarrow of wood up the small slope to the back of the house – the ground literally falls away under my boots!

Its a bit of a quagmire down the back right now!
Pretty green but very soggy

Of course there are patches of blue sky every now and again

I see a break in the weather, so grab the camera and head outside
This lasts for about 20 minutes!
Then you watch the clouds roll back in!
Grey skies over Norwich House!

We got some hail yesterday morning! This patch lasted all day in the garden!


Frozen strawberries!

The chickens seem to be coping pretty well… I really want to put a roof on their yard so they have more places to shelter…

Nice fat, fluffed up hens
A nice big container of warm smash – potato and various other tasty leftovers

I like going down the back to stare at the little cows too! They eventually all come up to stare back at me! They are such a crack up with their serious faces!

Little cow in a brief moment of sun!

I tested one out on some silverbeet…

Sniff test
Lick test

I was even lucky enough to get a rainbow today!

Hope you have had a great day!

Stay warm and dry 🙂



Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

3 thoughts on “Rain, Hail, Shine, Wind & A Rainbow”

  1. Our weather systems seem very, very similar in winter time. I wish I had more things to walk around and talk about, but content enough with your adventures for now, no matter how dismissive you might be of that term. ;D

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