Real Gardening!

Hello!! Wow – so happy! Was a totally wonderful summers day!
Woke early (well – early for me) to let the chooks out and was greeted with blue skies and no wind!
Yesterday was a really busy day – I helped Sharon with her soap workshop where she had 8 people attend!!
Will blog about that perhaps tomorrow.
I put in a rather big day in the garden and I am about ready to crawl into bed to rest the muscles.

Did I mention the other day I got my B12 shot? So… all juiced up and thinking I can do it all!

Time for the tomato seedlings to go into their new home.
First… a lot of digging. I soaked the area too much this morning so if I’d used the digging machine thingy it would have just bogged up with the sticky red dirt.
I had to get rid of all that ropey twitch – so that was a pain and slowed things up a lot.

Eventually – with a lot of water guzzled (by me, not the garden), the patch was ready for some tomatoes.

I was going to carefully set out 4 different patches – one for each variety.
Meh – we are so far behind now I just put them in with minimum fuss.
(All 35 of them)

Remember this patch where I had to circle the tiny tomatoes in red so you could see them? They’ve lived under bottles since then to shelter them from the horrible constant wind and they really have made some progress!

The carrot and beetroot are looking really really good!
There are some mysterious gaps in the carrot rows, but I figure I can seed some more later in those spots.
There are several self seeded tomatoes in here that will be eventually removed and one thriving broccoli.

Anyway – after the Great Tomato Planting Day was done, I took off to Ruby’s for the second time today and dug a little patch and planted 5 butternut pumpkins for her. And took her some lettuce.
She was doing ok – trotted off to get me some covers for the new plants, then went walking through the sprinklers to turn them off (Reckoned she’d dry out pretty quick. 🙂 )

Back home I’ve gone and covered all the new seedlings, watered some stuff and picked some strawberries.
Now I am keen to fall into bed!
Hope your weekend has been lovely too!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

2 thoughts on “Real Gardening!”

  1. I get exhausted just reading your daylies. Waste not, want not! Guess that means time too. You are an inspiration!

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