I had to have my camera with me yesterday as before our hike, I needed to take a snap of Jeff in front of the Rural Health Building as the muffin mixed up his meeting with a photographer… So I was the backup!
Do you think that tree looks a bit precarious??? I rush past that bit now!! Its a very very solid bit of tree.
I didn’t get heaps of photos… the day was grey and gloomy and it ended up raining.
Nice walk though!
And here is one of the photos I took – they will select one and it will go in their magazine along with the article they are doing on Jeff.
All in regards to Mental Heath.
Posing in his slick new T-shirt from his Canadian family!!
Pip is getting mightily suspicious about all the housework
That usually indicates people invading his precious little world!!
Funny little side story… at the last soap workshop, the ladies were telling stories about their cats and their crazy hunting prowess, etc… seriously, like the cat bringing in a headless wallaby THROUGH THE PET DOOR!!
And other such deeds that were more reminiscent of big cats on the savannahs.. I mutter to Sharon out the side of my mouth sadly… ‘and my cat bites his penis 🙁 ‘
I thought she was going to choke!! Made me laugh anyway.
On that delicate subject… Pip has been pretty good. I only put his collar on overnight but during the day we’ve not seen any dubious behaviour of late resulting in cry’s of pain or blood! This is a step in the right direction!!
I unmoulded and cut the pretty feathery looking soap I demo’ed at the workshop… cool pattern underneath!
The individual slices look fab!
Looking forward to doing more of these for sure!
I decided to risk it and pick a couple more ears of corn. These were much better… just that bit plumper and juicier.
I think most of them should start being properly ready when the family are here, which is fabulous
Plenty more tomatoes out there… there might be a batch of relish yet!
House cleaning and organising going along ok. We got the plumber in today because the loo had been leaking (just a seal cracked so nothing major) and the kitchen sink taps needed fixing… they needed extenders as where they are attached into the wall is ‘awkward’ and turning off the taps easily was a pain.. the cold tap dripped unless you put in a Conan The Barbarian effort into turning it off! Its so beautiful now 🙂
I put the fire on this afternoon… its been constantly pouring for over 24 hours and I really need washing done… so I’ve hoisted two loads so far up onto the drying rack… which I am still in love with… some I’ve been able to take down already, the rest can finish off over night.
Of course, having a fire on means a cat needs to be wrapped up in his especially warmed towel!! He has looked blissful all afternoon/evening
Hope your week is going well!