Ruby Tuesday – Upcoming Celebration of a Century!

5-09-2016 4;33;55 PM
Ruby on left. Totally love the outfit & grin

Sadly I have hardly been near Ruby in the last week or so!! Too risky to pass on my germs, and since her 100th birthday is on Thursday and the party on Saturday, I have had to be sensible and stay away! Rotten luck and timing!

All the family is starting to roll in – the Western Australian Mob got in yesterday – great grandson has already mowed the lawn (seriously, with a ride on mower, what kid WOULDN’T want to mow a lawn??)

A notice went into the paper today about the time and date of the party – Ruby refused point blank to send out invitations!!! She was afraid they would forget someone and upset them, so the whole shebang has been done by word of mouth, email, phone calls and finally – a facebook page I set up with Margie! (Margie may have taken up drinking more wine than normal hee hee)

5-09-2016 4;31;47 PM
Pretty sure this is Ruby with her Mum

We have had a couple of meetings with Ruby & my cousins to talk about and arrange the gathering. I don’t think she realised the scale of what is going to be happening on Saturday. Margie was starting to fret so it was great we all got together to sort out what was happening.

At one point, Ruby was adamant about having ‘bangers and mash’ but possibly hadn’t thought that well over 100 people are likely to be turning up to join in the well wishing! We have sorted the church guild to be preparing a lot of finger food – sweet and savory for people to graze on during the afternoon. Not to mention tea and coffee!!

She was quite against ‘making a fuss’. I did point out when you turn 100 and that over 100 people would be turning up, sorry, but fuss is what you are going to get, so she is going to just have to go with the flow there! 😀

5-09-2016 4;34;59 PM
The local girls off for a swim – probably in the dam or river!

I was given a bunch of photographs to scan. I will also add a number of images I have taken over the last few years to put into a projector, so people can see them during the party.

Of course – my Official Role is photographer! Yay!

Friday afternoon we can go into the church hall and set up for the party the following day. Set out the tables and generally organise most things in advance so on the day there is scant left to do.

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On Thursday – the day she actually turns 100 – we will be going down to wish her happy birthday, sing and eat cake – and a cuppa or two and a few dozen photographs I am sure!

She has been in really good spirits lately – and her foot is behaving much better!

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Ruby as a young nurse

I am excited to give her the shawl I crocheted – a BIG thing was also “No Presents!!” Naturally I whinged and pouted and said ‘what about home made?’ So I got my loophole 🙂 A number of other people have followed suit and have done things like spring clean her house and dropped in jars of home made biscuits (cookies) so she has plenty of goodies to offer the people that will be constantly dropping in for coffee between now and next week!

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I have been collecting messages from people who cannot turn up on the day & general well wishes etc from around the world.

Please feel welcome to write a note in the comments and I will set aside an afternoon after all the hullabaloo is done to read her out all the messages.

Adding where you live and a bit about yourself would be wonderful, I know she will love it.

This has to be one of my favourite Ruby-images! Sitting on her milk crate weeding in her beloved garden!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

37 thoughts on “Ruby Tuesday – Upcoming Celebration of a Century!”

  1. Ruby,

    Happy centennial birthday! I hope it turns out to be wonderful! My name is Camie. I’m 32 years old and live in Arkansas in the United States. I love reading about your life and garden because you inspire me to live a fearless life by looking at the many things you have done in the course of yours. Best wishes in your 100th year!

  2. Ruby Tuesdays are my favorite day! I love her recipes and hearing the stories from the good ole days. Lisa makes readers feel like they are right there chit chatting with the girls having a cuppa AND she takes beautiful photos. Happy 100th Ruby! ~ Jeri Deyo McCue in Philadelphia www. @repurposedgardener

    1. Thank-you Jeri!!
      I hope to get back into the swing of ‘Ruby Tuesday’ after all the excitement has calmed down and the house is empty of people! Its wonderful getting the stories and being able to share them! 🙂

  3. Happy Birthday Ruby! I hope you have a lovely time and enjoy your party. I am 67 years old and have recently moved thousands of miles to a new home. I’m trying to get a garden together in a totally different climate and every time I start to fuss about how difficult it is, I think about you and all you have done and continue to do. I just say to myself “Be like Ruby!” and I just continue to march, one foot in front of the other. You are an inspiration to all of us.
    Love from Deb in Texas

    1. Thank-you Deb!! I will enjoy reading that out to Ruby. She certainly is an inspiration to us here.
      Gardens always provide challenges – esp when you move so far from what you are used to!! 🙂

  4. Happy Birthday Ruby!
    I grew up in France but now call Indiana, USA my home. We are “hobby” farmers so I really like all the garden and farmer’s market stories. Since our seasons are reversed, it is fun to follow the differences. I vacationed in Australia 6 years ago and long to go again someday…
    Great job on the blog Lisa!

    1. Thank-you Anne!! What an interesting life you have had!
      I am glad you enjoyed your holiday to Australia! Drop by to Tassie next time! 🙂

      1. We may do that! Our hosts in Australia kept raving about Tasmania, but there was no time for us to change plans 🙁 If you are ever in the US, please drop by!!!
        Enjoy all the time with your family, it is precious!

        1. Excellent!! I love both travelling and meeting travellers! I hope you get back to check out Tasmania!
          Its been sooooo long since I was in the US, but I will get back there at some point no doubt!!
          And thank-you -its been lovely with my parents catching up and I can’t wait until my sisters and their families arrive!

  5. Happy Birthday Ruby!!! How amazing! You are very inspiring and I love your spirit and hearing stories about your life. I live in Chicago but also lived overseas in Japan and Italy teaching on a military base. I’m 50 and I teach children with autism here. I have a small community garden going and you motivate me to do more, but also, show me that slowing down, sharing a “cuppa”, and just enjoying other’s company is good for me too. I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Many blessings!

  6. I was in Misawa in Northern Japan in 2001 and in Okinawa in 2002. Have not been back since but hope to get back soon.

    1. Thats two area’s I haven’t been to! You will find things have changed so much! I love it over there – can’t wait to go back!

  7. Happy 100th Birthday Ruby! I love Ruby Tuesday’s and hearing about your amazing life and all you have done and continue to do. You are a real inspiration and I love sharing your stories with my children. I feel they have a new appreciation for how easy their life is compared to that of other generations. I hope you have a wonderful celebration – and don’t berate Lisa too much for the pressie.

    I’m a long time friend of Lisa’s even though we only see each other every 30 years or so! I live in Oberon, NSW and love our garden and what it produces.

  8. Happy 100th birthday Ruby! So amazing! I am 50 and it is hard to imagine that I could be only half way through my life. I live very close to my parents who still live in the same house (actually my parents bought it from my grandparents – Edgewood, Washington). I have seen so many changes and growth here and I know my Dad has seen even more. You have seen the inventions and new products that are now so common for all of us. It must be so wonderful to still be so independent and healthy. I am sure that wonderful garden is a big part of that. I enjoy Lisa sharing her life with us. What a beautiful place you live. Have a wonderful spring and summer.

    Happy birthday to you,


    1. Thank-you for your lovely message!
      Will be passing this on to Ruby! She will be so interested to hear all these snippets from people from around the world!

  9. Happy Birthday Ruby!! I love hearing the stories about your amazing life and seeing the pictures from your garden. I live with my husband and two little boys in Oregon, USA. This is the first year that my older son, (he’s 5), has planted, maintained and is now eating the tomatoes from his plant! He is so excited to check on it in the mornings to see if any tomatoes have turned red. Enjoy your special day! We’ll be thinking of you.

  10. Happy Birthday Ruby! I’m Beverly from Spencer, North Carolina, USA. I have loved getting Lisa’s blog for the last six months or so. I especially love what she calls Ruby Tuesdays when she updates everyone on what you are up to. I am a gardener also but not nearly on the scale that you are. I love the pictures of you weeding in your garden and would love to imagine myself at 100 doing a bit of weeding while sitting on my milk crate. Spring is fast approaching for you while we are looking forward to cooler temperatures and putting our gardens to bed. May God bless you with many more happy days with family and friends.

    1. Thank-you Beverly! I will enjoy reading this out to Ruby!
      Coming up the better weather, we will be out in her garden much more – so more consistent Ruby Tuesday Stories!! 🙂

  11. Happy Birthday Ruby! Hope you have a wonderful day seeing all of your family and friends. I’m sending hugs and wishing I could be one of the ones that comes a calling as we say in the south. Love to you from Alabama!

  12. Happy 100th Birthday, Ruby! You are an inspiration – love your stories, pictures, information about your garden, and your sunny approach to life! I’m Lynne from the New York City suburbs, with a small suburban garden and very limited gardening skills, but I enjoy it. Hope your day is glorious, and the years to come filled with good health and happiness.

  13. How fabulous to get to wish you a Happy 100th Birthday! It’s been such a pleasure getting to know you through Lisa’s blog. I’m a fellow nurse and gardener, and live in Parker, Colorado (US). I really look forward to each Tuesday to see what stories you have for us. You are truly an inspiration! ?

    1. Hi Lori! thanks a bundle for your message! It will be a fun afternoon to read all these out to her – and maybe some of the posts on Ruby Tuesday as well so she knows what I have been up to! haha

  14. Happy birthday Ruby!! I enjoy reading about your life and your lovely garden.
    Janet from near Seattle , Washington, USA

  15. Ruby, we have been following all that’s happening for your BIG BIRTHDAY & send you our love & congratulations . It was wonderful to meet you, & even though we only had a little time together., it’s meant that all we see on Lisa’s Facebook page comes alive & makes us feel we’ve been there too.
    Thinking of you on your big day & hoping you have wonderful memories .
    God Bless,
    Helen & Geoffrey Burn

  16. Happy birthday Ruby!!!

    Thank you for sharing your amazing life,it has become my Tuesday show and tell at work….all the girls know about you and we all love the pictures (thanks Lisa) – you look so happy. We learn from your stories and they make us stop and reflect on how the world has changed. Keep smiling and enjoy every moment or every day. Thinking of you on your special day and every Tuesday too? Warm wishes Audrey (cairns qld)

    1. Thats awesome Audrey! lol – Ruby is so famous!! This message will certainly put a smile on her face!!
      Thanks so much for writing! 🙂

  17. Happy Birthday Ruby! I love hearing about you & your part of the world. Seeing you through Lisa’s beautiful words & pictures are a gift.

    I am Jenny & I live in northwest Arkansas in the US with my sweetheart husband. We’ve been married 29 yrs & have a son & a daughter-in-law nearby. I spend a lot of time in my garden & my kitchen so I really enjoy seeing yours as well! I turned 50 this year & realized just how much more I get to do in the next 50 years!

    My birthday wishes for you are that your day is filled with all your favorite things & your garden is full of blooms & no weeds.

    1. Thank-you Jenny for your message!! Ruby will love hearing about what you do and your well wishes!! Thanks so much for messaging!

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