I hope you weren’t enjoying something nice to eat…
Last night I went outside to put the snow peas into the carport for early morning collection (Swapping for farm fresh made butter) and I saw so many snails!!
So I went on an impromptu snail and slug hunt.
The chooks were a bit overwhelmed… they love snails, but were confused with the serving dish.
Every now and again, one would get brave, snatch a snail and run… then the others would chase her to steal it.
Eyeroll – but very entertaining.
I staked the hothouse tomatoes and sprayed them and the snow peas for aphids with some home made spray. Hopefully that will slow them up.
Passionfruit flowers!
So far Tentacular, the passionfruit vine, is keeping to his corner of the hothouse.
It rained on and off and was cool – nice timing of course because I did laundry. Mostly dried pretty well hung undercover on the veranda though.
We did a lap of the river and I booked myself into two markets for later in November.
Debating if I need to make more soap.
Probably… (Optimist haha)
Not much else spectacular to report from my part of the world!
Hope your week is starting well!