Having finished my big basket, I made this little one!
Tighter weave using the needle and it turned out rather nicely!

It was nice finishing something in a shorter time frame

I am pleased with the middle where I started… usually that part is super messy

Not sure what I will use it for. At the moment just admiring it haha

Last class, Adele brought in willow and dodda vine – I brought in some of my vine which is a native black pea
Made up a nice scruffy basket

The fresh colours are very cool

I’ll probably use this one either on the market table filled with soap or at a local shop that wants my unscented goats milk soap as a way of making a unique display …

Speaking of soap…

Sandalwood and Vanilla… gold veins and activated charcoal.

Had another go at the milkshake/sundae like soaps

Learning from last time that the Orange and Bitter Chocolate fragrance discolours the mixture, I left it out of the top bit so it looks more like cream this time!

The fragrance also makes the mixture thicken heavily so not much time to do any precise swirling as I was literally spooning it in to the mould not pouring!!

And because the top wasn’t so set, I was able to doink the sugar sprinkles into the mixture further so hopefully not as many fall off this time
Smells so yummy too!!

Sprucing up the place with some flowers in my sisters oh so cute kitty vases!

Cold and gloomy here… I am going to not fight it any longer. Putting the fire on and either doing some crochet or making some soap… hmmm choices choices!!
Hope your week is going along splendidly!

Lisa, your soaps are amazing.
Thank-you so much!! I really enjoy the process of making them! xx