Sunny Sunday


Blue skies ALL DAY!! What a treat!!

We decided to nip down to Ruby’s and fix up her new raised strawberry bed. She also had a couple of trees come down & we wanted to start collecting the wood she has offered to us (apparently its going to be just burned anyway, so it might as well get burnt in our wood fire)

Ruby supervising Jeff

We picked up a half scoop of topsoil to help fill the new bed

Layer of newspaper to deter weeds

The raised bed had been placed in a totally different spot to what we discussed earlier. Ruby had been out in the garden – weeded the new area, relocated some garlic and got Margie to help her move the bed!!! I think Ruby reacts really well to the better weather!! πŸ˜€

I did a few layers with straw
Topped with a few bags of the super-dooper compost she got for her birthday

I offered to plant her strawberries in it for her, but she wouldn’t hear of it! We had to go in for a cuppa and I bet the moment we were gone she was out with her trowel putting them in! I shall see tomorrow!!

Starting to collect the logs taken from the fallen tree

We also swung by the local hardware shop to see if they had pallets they wanted to get rid of. We picked up a boot load of offcuts – don’t have a plan for them, but I am sure they will come in handy.

(BTW Boot=Trunk in case some North Americans hadn’t heard that one before) πŸ™‚

Love free stuff

Anyway – back to a few more hours in our duck yard – here is where we started today


This is where we quit


I guess there is a difference!!!

We had Pip out for a while – he has spent way too many days buried under the doona. Today he channelled his inner Siamese and howled a lot!! But I think he enjoyed himself!

Me looking terribly glamorous & Pip hitching a ride on my shoulders!

I think at about 6.30pm, Jeff and I decided to quit looking for weeds and enjoy being nerds for a while. We got out the metal detector to see what we could dig up… which was a lot of nails. and a nut. πŸ™‚


Time for me to crawl into bed – weather is meant to be great again tomorrow so no lolling about whinging about the rain for me!

Hope your weekend has been brilliant!




Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

2 thoughts on “Sunny Sunday”

    1. Thanks! I certainly did!! (I think my face may have gotten a bit of colour today – red! Must remember to get out my gardening hat!)

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