Today was more of an organisational day (tomorrow is the day to collect our niece from the airport) so I didn’t make it into the garden!
I did sit and do some more cards in between the few domestic chores and going out to deliver 3 dozen eggs (which takes AGES when its Ruby, Margie & Shirley, because you just HAVE to stop for a chat. I reckon Jeff thought I was lost)
Anyway – When doing little crafty things, you often get lots of scraps that are annoying to pick up – In the case of the cards its all the backings off the double sided tape.
One of the useful things I picked up in Japan was making a small temporary paper bin – from newspaper or junk mail.
My Japanese friends mainly used these in the kitchen where all the food scraps could go into them – and then straight into the compost if you are using newspaper.
I tried to get a series of photos to show you how they are done.
I want to show you how to fold the pretty seed packets soon too, but will get my niece to help video that as the folds are slightly tricky and I think difficult to convey via still images.
I haven’t tried to explain this via photos before so let me know if it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and I will move on to video!
So – grab a sheet of newspaper
Fold in half (see red line 🙂 )
Fold in corners to middle
Fold one layer of paper up to meet the triangles
and fold the same layer up again to cover the bottom of the triangles
Turn the whole thing over
Fold each side to meet in middle
Fold bottom up to meet the ‘not so triangles’ like you did on the other side
And fold up a second time to match the other side
Open the ‘almost’ box
Squish bottom down to make a flat underside (This is where a video would come in handy, but just fiddle with it! It works out pretty easily!)
Ta daa!
A ready made recycled scrap bin. I find them pretty handy.
A busy couple of weeks coming up, so stay tuned for some new stuff when the girls arrive!
Cheers & Goodnight