Vaguely Random Stuff…

Hello there!
Early attempt at keeping up to date better!
Above is the view from the Somerset Surf Life Savings Club where basket weaving is now held!
How good is that? Last Friday we were all out on the balcony because there were whales frolicking about out there.
Sadly, I had my tablet only so the pics really didn’t show them at all. Still… its nice to show you our view!

We got a Bok Bok Box…
Well… its called something boring like a chicken feeder.
I like to say Bok Bok Box out loud. Jeff just gives me a … look. haha
Anyway, the treadle when stepped upon opens the lid so the chooks can get to the food.

They are in training with it at the moment. Its set so its mostly open but when they step on it the lid moves up a bit. At first they all just took off in horror!
They are getting braver, and the small movement isn’t bothering them as much. They can sit in the coop area with it tomorrow morning for a while to get more familiar with it.
I’ll lower the setting again so its almost shut so the lid movement is more dramatic.
Hopefully it wont take long for them to master it and their fears!
We have been losing SO MUCH feed to the wild birds. So if we can get the chooks eating out of it properly, we will save a lot of $$

Speaking of the precious poppets…
I’ve been letting them roam up the house end of the yard later in the afternoons. They get so excited to go through the gate.

The garlic!

I got keen and dug up the rest of the oca. (Starchy winter veggie according to google)
I just learned you can eat them raw like a carrot! I must try it. Mostly I just bake them with the other veggies

Some stray potatoes that are now in my tummy!

Well… its been 12 or so years but the little lemon tree, after three replants, has finally done itself proud with lots of lemons!!!

Our new friend Benyu. I don’t have a photo of his fiance Rachael, but they are a lovely young couple, travelling around Australia with their caravan and house sitting here and there. Benyu did our skylight.
They went to basket weaving and a few other classes at Farm it Forward Tasmania which is where I met them
This is Benyu entertaining the masses at the twilight market in Wynyard!

Last weekends class soap pics!

The ladies had fun!
I only had three but it was a good class.
I got my last participant because I was on breakfast radio talking about soap! (How I managed to string a sentence together at 7.30am is beyond me haha)

hmmm – thats the link! Fast forward to the 1hr:45 mark if you want to listen to me stumbling though an interview!!

A better picture of the demo soap

We popped back down to Oldina for a hike!

Most of the tracks are nice and muddy – lots of puddles since we had a little rain recently!

And checking out whats left of the various fungi!

And whats life without 35 projects on the go?
This collection of willow pattern granny squares was done quite some time ago… I am talking years now I think!
Clearly I saw something shiny and got distracted
Anyway, my best friends daughter turned 18! So I thought I would put it together and she can have a car or a couch ruggie!

I am nearly through attaching the third row tonight!

Thats about all… I think I will head back to the fire to complete the row then play some random game before bed!
(Below – the bulbs I put into the stump have well and truly popped up!! Mid winter!! Shows how off the weather is!
At some point I’ll find something for the little pot!)

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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