Video Link

Success – I mostly rested today and also got through Day Three’s photos.
However… I am still tired and ‘blah’ and ready for bed way too early so just popping in fleetingly to say hi!

Day three was pretty fantastic actually… a long one – nearly 17km with lots of changing terrain, a bit of ‘up’ to tackle and lots of water to cross!

The rain the night before cleared most of the snow off the paths which made for easier hiking.
We got rain on and off during the day but not in the volumes of the first day and not sideways. 🙂

Mostly impossible to keep out of the water. To be honest I didn’t even try. As Fiona said – it was like being a little kid again jumping in mud and puddles!

One of our fellow hikers was kind enough to send through a link to a few videos she took and if you are interested, click the link to check out the weather conditions she captured!
Overland Video

Be sure to check out the one with the wombat walking along the boardwalk through the snow!  The sideways rain video was good to see too… was a tough day’s walking that first day!
Rachel has an instagram account here if you would like to see more and I am sending thanks to her for sharing those videos and letting me post the link here.

Anyway, hope I got all that right.
For now, thats me done and off to bed!



Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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