Looks like the cherry blossom is going to start flowering! Its a grafted tree, so half has these simple little blooms and the other half has the full multi petaled hanging flowers

We took advantage of a beautiful day to get on with bird proofing the chook run. Feed (like everything else these days) has become so much more expensive and we can’t keep feeding squadrons of sparrows and galahs
The first part was tricky. We had to cut back the overhanging crossbeams under the roof overhang. We loosened the screws on the laserlite to get under it. We REALLY didn’t want to remove the whole roof.
It got sorted and we put another facing beam on that side. Failed to get a snap of the finished bit!

At some point we turn around and find we had an audience!

A bit of a bodgy job at the front where the roof didn’t quite meet the end of the structure

Once we got the facing beam on it didn’t matter so much as you can’t see it

Then a bit more work on putting some supporting timber up to attach the bird wire to the big open area at the back

Pretty pleased with getting this sorted.
We had about done with it so we were packing up the tools and whatnot- was away from the coop for approx three minutes and came back to this!!

This doofus magpie didn’t get the memo about the bird proofing!!!
He’d been hanging about (no pun intended) near us getting worms and bugs from the paddock. Nosey beggar!!
He was panicking a bit so I walked slowly over to his side so he eventually naturally ‘shooshed’ out the door!

I hung some material over the gap at the top of the door and shredded old jeans to do a temp soft barrier at the chook entrance
They weren’t keen on using it this morning. All eventually went out but two. I left the door open and will put them in training to use the small entrance and not be scared of my jeans haha
That will slow the birds

Still a fair bit of day left so I went and rescued the garlic patch!
Under the net the weeds had gone mad

Picked them all out and fed the garlic some kelp tonic and mulched them

The potatoes are starting to poke their heads above ground

In the hothouse my winter potatoes are starting to get some size

And we are getting salads again as the lettuce in the hothouse are good for picking now

Some cherry plums starting

Lots of borage and other spring flowers around

This patch just hums with bees!

My rocket is up

The herbs are doing great!
Lots of parsley

And bugs

Tons of oregano and lemon balm

And the beautiful man ferns have newly unfolding leaves

I think they are so cool

So hairy!

In true Tassie spring style, today is fairly awful, so will do some indoor stuff.
Maybe start clearing out the pantry and later reward myself with some soap making (Got some new fragrances in that I am keen to try!)
Hope everyone is doing well