Wednesday of Nothing

So… here it is. Nearly 11pm and I haven’t gotten out of my nightie yet.
Its going to save a whole lot of time when I go to bed… won’t have to find my nightclothes. I can just tumble in.
Can you guess what kind of day it was?
My motivation levels bottomed out.
Happily, Fiona dropped around after work and we had a great couple of hours having a cuppa, cheese & bikkies (and sweet chilli sauce) and a general catch up. (And she never judges about my attire!!)

Roast lamb leftovers… so no dinner dramas.
Dishes are done and I pretty much achieved nothing today!

I now have a slight plan in place for tomorrow to get on with despite weather to avoid the whole grouchy attitude about the never ending rain.

There are a heap of things I can do… but somehow after a month of dark wet days, enthusiasm levels start to wane. I think a few lists might help me focus!

With luck, I will be able to blog with some actual photos and a real story!

I am going to end my day on quite a positive note by being a bit naughty… there is a fresh loaf of bread baked this afternoon and I am going to indulge in a slice and go to bed with a book!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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