Wrapping up the Milling!

Well, there it is… the last log being loaded onto the rack for milling

The guys have done a spectacular job and its been really interesting to watch

There she goes! (Spinning blade of death….)

I’ve been Chief Sawdust Relocating Manager

So much beautiful timber!

The weather has been a bit manky recently…we have done some work cleaning up and Jeff has done a lot of work splitting wood for future fires

Unfortunately for one of Jeff’s fingers… he also had a slight ‘small axe incident’
So far he hasn’t been to the doc but did all the usual nursey things.
I think he will live…

I’ll return with some gardening stuff next post.
A few more advancements have happened

I am going to have to get more heavy handed with the red so its not quite as pink in the final stages!
Anyway… its a start. Christmas soap! (Peppermint)
And oops… just remembered the tree embed I put in the freezer earlier. Will have to get that out and remove from mould before bed.

Crochet update!
Its really growing
Although there are a horrifying amount of tails to tuck!! (sadly this is not going to coincide with a visit from my Mum… darn it) (No pun intended haha)

Its going to take me an eon!

Of course no carefully arranged display is complete without a cat boofing his way under the covers and causing a cat-tidal wave of crocheted squares…

Thanks Pip!!

Basket weaving!
Loving my Friday morning classes. So relaxing there.

Apart from tidying up the tails on the inside, I am done.
The red bit around the top (Might have mentioned this before??) are grasses that were dyed with beetroot and woven in.

I used it on my market table on Saturday to display my business cards!

Then, I learned how to make roses and lilies!

Adele (our teacher) started one that I finished and finished one that I started! But she let me take the both home.
I liked the process of weaving the flax to make the lilies.

And a series of folding and twisting creates the roses!!

Pip trying his best to give subtle hints about his sleeping bag being warm enough ready for him to crawl in to!

Anyway, thats about it from me tonight
Hope everyone had a super weekend!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

One thought on “Wrapping up the Milling!”

  1. Your Christmas soap is lovely and I bet it smells fantastic! I loved the little basket. I used to love taking all sorts of classes when we lived in a more populated area and they were available. Now I live so rural i’d have to drive at least 45 minutes to and hour to get to any civilization that would offer classes.

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