We have a feathery stalker!
This Superb Fairy-Wren (we just call them blue wrens), has been at every window for weeks. If you are in a room… tip tap tap and there he is.
He is in love with his reflection… and he is a little poo-machine too! haha
He has taken to preening himself in our cars rear view mirrors too, which isn’t pleasing Jeff so much. That one tiny bird can poo so much!!
Lucky he is totally adorable!
We really haven’t been working all that much in the yard, but clean up is happening here and there
Jeff started a fire and I continued it after he went to bed…
Honestly… is there a difference??
Anyway, fires are fun out the back.
Slowly sorting and cutting and stacking…
A delegation of chooks…
Still getting odds and sods from the garden… this went into soup.
Tomatoes are even bigger than the photo I posted the other day!!
Time to get them into their forever homes
The pear tree is bursting with blossoms!
I don’t really want to do it but the whole carrot patch should come out to make way for the new plantings…
Hmmm… maybe for now just do half of it…
The early iris always catches me by surprise. Suddenly there is a burst of colour
The plums are developing nicely. Fingers crossed for some warmth and a good fruiting season!
Its raining out there tonight again.
I’ve seen some potatoes popping up which is good… and I noticed the snow peas looking a bit ragged so I’ve put down some of those iron pellets in the hope to thwart the snails. Otherwise I’ll have to go and cover all the plants which would be a pain.
Hope your week has started well!