Yard Antics

I am going to go out on a limb here (not really intending the pun, but… it possibly works) and say this is the greatest before and after shot I own…

My friend Jude dropped by and pointed out a few garden hints… and we just went chop-happy!

Jeff was tackling this garden… taking out the evil rose… the one with thorns upon thorns and a mean sense of humour.

Its not fully finished, but the way is clear for us to do something a bit different.

Naturally there was a LOT of garden waste.

So… bonfire time? There are no fire restrictions now so we could FINALLY get rid of the ever growing pile, and once it was going… added all the new stuff.

Super dodgy pics. Just using the tablet to document!

I felt it was safer just to start with one pile and then chuck more on as we went rather than a bonfire that took out half the district.

Its been an insanely dry season – actually its only really just turned cooler and we are on winters doorstep!
So there was no issue getting this to flare up!

At times there was a worrying amount of flare!!
Still, as it calmed down I could rake it in to a smaller area and kept piling on the new branches.

With a quick pause for twisting up a loop for a future basket…

Feels good to have that gone!

Jude also gave me not only advice, but a bunch of plants too! Working on filling in this area with pretty stuff! (Perlagoniums and salvia and some succulents.)
We dug up daffy bulbs from the other garden so I popped a couple of clumps in here as well,

I am really looking forward to seeing this grow in!

Nothing like a bit of mulch to really tidy things up!!

I’ve also planted bulbs in the stump… and I’ll think of something to plant in the pot. Time will tell if this is a success or not!

Jeff has continued along in front of the house in a hacking frenzy.
Its looking insanely spacey!

Looks like another fire on the horizon!

There is work to be done on the house and veranda so clearing out this area is going to really help get everything accessible too.
And below was at the end of today.

I am pretty sure I haven’t shared this before.
But this is Pips spot.
Jeff puts fresh flowers almost daily. And little by little we’ve added the rocks and plants.

There is a stump to sit at when we feel like it.
We still miss him so very very much. It really doesn’t feel like its been well over a year… We find it almost as hard as when we first had to say goodbye.
We keep busy, but Jeff tends to the spot and I get involved a bit – I find it harder to linger there.
I see where he is meant to be in the house daily.
Right now he should be wrapped in a fire warmed towel on the couch.

Jeff pulled up all the ever present onion weed, I gave the grassy plants a severe haircut and did the edges.
I plan to go to the op shop and find a jug that looks cool so Jeff can replace the not as aesthetic old plastic coke bottle that holds the extra water for the flowers.

I was also super excited to get my very own cushion plant! (I’ve called them pincushion plants in the past which I like) This species isn’t quite the same as the ones up at Cradle, but its almost! I’ve planted it and added some random rocks and now I just have to wait for it to grow!

The back of the garden before the great haircut of 2024

Its all pretty pleasing to see some progress. It also inspires us to do more.

People do ask if we are going to get another cat… I tend to try to answer briefly then move on before I cry and things get awkward.
But I am sure we will.
In the bigger news of the year, I took a lot of the cruise ship market soap money and bought tickets for Jeff and I to return to Japan in October/November.
So certainly no new kitty before then as I’d die of anxiety to leave a new family member.

We are looking forward to a five week adventure, seeing friends and eating lots!!
Mostly this trip we plan to do lots of hiking. We’ve been investigating pilgrimage routes and looking to go to more rural areas that aren’t swamped by tourists.
Markets have wound down, but we still have to work out budget so we have enough to cover our food and accommodation – and some fun money!

Hope everyone is doing well and either getting ready to be cosy this winter or gearing up for a fabulous summer!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

2 thoughts on “Yard Antics”

  1. Looks great! Sometimes other people see our yards and homes in a way we never thought to and give ideas we like or don’t like.

    Nice spot for Pip. I miss him in your photos.

    Take care,
    Washington State, USA

    1. Thanks Janet!
      I agree,… so handy when someone else takes a fresh look at things for you!
      And yes, we still miss Pip terribly. Its nice to have his beautiful spot.

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