Yard Work

Poor tulip… everything got covered in grass clippings yesterday.
Jeff and I took advantage of the beautiful weather to mow and do more cleaning up around the yard.

The plum tree is done and dusted with its blossoms. Lets keep fingers crossed for actual plums and some nice weather to ripen them up.

The day before yesterday, we decided to finish off the top of the garden fence at long last

Since we have oodles of timber, procrastination has won the day as we haven’t had to buy what we needed

This way we have been able to staple the wire to the top bar and stop it from flopping about – as it does when big fat possums jump on it (Or birds)

It doesn’t look too bad and it certainly looks more finished than before!

I suspect the possums were getting over the fence near the top gate then using the two moveable composts and the sink as a jumping point out, so I’ve started sorting that area.

I have yet to move the sink (insanely heavy) as I have to sort a suitable area, but was able to empty and move the two composts

Hmmmm so much work to be done. Plus I am unsure how to sort the older composts just yet.

Neglected much?

A lot of weeding, sorting and wheelbarrowing later…

I am hoping the ferny moss takes hold in the old Man Fern chunks I got from Ruby’s place.

Plot by plot I am getting the garden under control.
It was a shock to realise we’ve made it to spring already!

Yesterday after the mowing, I tackled the snow pea plot as I will need it to swing into action soon…

One of the wooden trellises had rotted at the bottom so I ended up taking it out… then I took pretty much all the other bits out and whacked in some proper steel droppers to secure the mesh to.
And dug weeds. Twitch. So. Much. Twitch….

Happily… another plot done by days end.

Looks 100% with the mowing done too.
Grass from now is going to grow stupidly quickly

Still easy to grab carrots whenever I need them.
Itching to pull that plot apart but… not really nec. until October when I will want to replant.

Oh… I killed all the lettuce (99% of them ) in the hothouse that I transplanted the other day!!!!

Maybe 4 are struggling along??? I have absolutely no idea why…
How disappointing!! And weird. Was it me or the punnets of lettuce?

The little tomato seeds that I put in at the same time have started showing up

So funny… yesterday morning only these guys were up.
By the afternoon… a whole lot more!

These are yellow tomatoes.
Hope they survive unlike the lettuce!!

My pot of sweet peas! I didn’t plant them. They are just doing their own thing. They never really thrived last season under my ‘care’ so I am ignoring them.

We let the girls out of the chook run after we had done with the lawn – They had a great time… Flea of course off on her own mission.

A good number of tulips are out which is nice and those iron pellets are keeping the slugs and snails at bay so I don’t have half chewed flowers so far!!

Yesterday was a pretty huge day… with all the mowing, weeding, whippersnippering, digging, weeding, planting, splitting kindling, etc etc.
According to Pip it was completely exhausting!! (This is where we found him at days end, dead to the world haha)

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

2 thoughts on “Yard Work”

  1. It’s amazing here in the States, that summer is quickly coming to an end. I spied a leaf or two, yellow and falling to the ground last week. In WV, we missed most of the remnants of Hurricane Ida thankfully. Our mowing season is slowing down and temps are cooling. I love the curb seasons.

    I’m going to have to use your strategy of ignoring plants and see if they respond favorably. Love it! 🤣

    1. Oh! I am glad to hear you didn’t get much of Ida!! Yes… somehow the year has disappeared a bit quickly!!
      Your mowing season is slowing and ours is getting crazy!!
      Makes me laugh too when ignored and neglected plants thrive!! So satisfying haha

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